Salah Ibrahim, Ph.D.
Welcome to my homepage.
I received the B.S. (with highest honors) and M.S. degrees in
and electrical communications engineering from Cairo University,
electrical engineering from the
My major is Communications and Signal Processing and my research
interests include cooperative communications
and networking, cross-layer
design of wireless networks, relay deployment
and selection in wireless
networks, and MIMO-OFDM systems.
I will be very pleased to hear from you. Please, contact me at
Email: asibrahim@ieee.org (asibrahim [AT] ieee [DOT] org)
My resume can be found at Resume .
More information can
be found below.
Research Interests Professional Experiences
& Teaching Experiences Skills Patents
Graduate Coursework Graduate Projects Grant Proposals
Honors & Awards Activities Publications
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering May 2009
Relay deployment and selection in
cooperative wireless networks
M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering Dec. 2007
GPA: 4/4
M.S. in Electronics and Electrical
Communications Engineering Aug. 2004
Multilayered space-frequency coding for
OFDM systems
B.S. in Electronics and Electrical
Communications Engineering May 2002
Project MEMS-based IR static earth sensor
grade: 90%
Cross-layer design of wireless networks
Cooperative communications for wireless networking
Space-time and space-frequency coding
Cellular systems (LTE, UMB, WiMAX)
Lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks
Cooperative routing
Intel Corporation, Wireless Standards & Technology,
Communication Systems
Engineering Intern
Mentors: Dr. Yang-Seok Choi and Dr.
Shahrnaz Azizi
WiMAX (IEEE 802.16m) standards
Designed and evaluated Preamble
sequences for MIMO/OFDM-based WiMAX IEEE 802.16m via Matlab; Ran
link level and system level simulations of various preamble sequences under
different channel models; Designed Location Based Services (LBS)
capability for WiMAX; contributed to 1
patent (Preamble design) and 3 contributions (Preamble, LBS, cooperative
relaying) in the IEEE 802.16m standards.
Qualcomm Incorporated, Corporate R&D Division,
Communication Systems
Engineering Intern
Mentors: Dr. Dhananjay Gore and Dr.
Sony Akkarakaran
Developed and tested the
modulator/demodulator blocks of all the MIMO/OFDM-based Forward Link
Control Segment (FLCS) sub-channels via C++; Ran simulations under
different channel models for both fixed and floating point blocks; Wrote a Perl
script to generate the performance curves for all the FLCS sub-channels in an
easy and efficient way.
Undergraduate Technical
Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Developed Design Rule
Checker (
Research Assistant
Advisor: Prof.
K. J. Ray Liu
Relay-selection in cooperative communications
Answered the fundamental
questions of When to cooperate? and
Whom to cooperate with?; Proposed a
relay-selection scheme for cooperative networks (Matlab); Bandwidth efficiency is boosted by 75% compared to
conventional schemes; 3 related papers are published.
Cooperative routing
Proposed a cooperative-based routing algorithm in
wireless ad hoc networks (C/C++, Matlab,
Mathematica); Power saving of 65% is achieved; 2 related papers are
Network lifetime maximization
Proposed a network-maintenance scheme to maximize
network lifetime of
wireless sensor networks by adding
a set of relays to it (Matlab); Network lifetime gain of 100% is achieved; Proposed a network-repair scheme to reconnect
a disconnected sensor network; 3 related papers are published.
Mitigating channel estimation error and interference
Showed the impact of various
cooperative communication schemes on channel estimation error and interference
problems (Matlab); Characterized the
tradeoff between channel estimation error and timing synchronization error; 1
related paper is published and 1 is submitted for publication.
Pharad LLC,
Research Assistant
Team Leader: Dr. Dalma Novak
Concealed weapons detection
Developed signal processing
techniques for extracting the unique signature of each tested weapon (Matlab, C/C++); Investigated various
classification techniques to achieve high probability of detection and low
probability of false alarm; 1 related paper is published.
Research Assistant
Advisor: Prof. Mohamed M. Khairy
Proposed multilayered space-time
and space-frequency coding schemes in OFDM systems (Matlab); 2
related papers are published.
Teaching Assistant
Taught communication and
signal processing courses including Communication Systems, Digital Communications,
and Signals & Systems.
Programming Languages: C, C++, Matlab, and Perl.
Platforms: Linux and Windows.
Softwares: Mathematica, VHDL, L-Edit, and PSpice.
Preamble sequence for WiMAX
IEEE 802.16m
Proposing a Preamble sequence for Cell-ID
detection in the WiMAX IEEE 802.16m system; The proposed Preamble consists
of 768 distinct sequences with low-correlation,
which allows the WiMAX system to support a large number of base stations, relay
stations, and femto cells; It has a scalable
structure and has no impact on the performance of the WiMAX IEEE 802.16e legacy
processes in communication Wireless
communications Error correcting
digital signal processing Advanced
numerical optimization Information
& detection theory
Numerical analysis Optimal control
information theory Space-time
signal processing System theory
Filterbank design and subband coding for images
Designed two-tap perfect reconstruction
(PR) Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank; used the designed QMF in performing
subband coding of images.
Linear prediction
Predicted the Dow Jones
Industrial Average (DJIA) weekly closing price.
Concealed weapons detection
Actively participated in
writing a technical proposal on signal
processing techniques for concealed weapons detection; accepted by the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (
Included in the 2009 Edition of Who's Who in
Best Speaker Award of the ECE Seminar Series, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, USA, 2008.
Nominee for Best Student Paper Award, IEEE Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007.
IEEE Travel Grant
for participating in IEEE ICASSP,
Goldhaber Travel Grant,
Schlumberger's Award for best senior students,
Schlumberger Company,
Distinction with Honor at B.Sc. degree, 2nd
on a class of 352 students, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2002.
IMEC Summer Scholarship,
Certificate of Merit, First Class Honors,
Paper Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
(Globecom), IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE Wireless
Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC), IEEE Information Theory
Workshop (ITW), and IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC).
Technical Program Committee
International Wireless Communications and
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Engineering Graduate Student
Council (EGSC) Member (Dec.
2004 - May 2006)
Led the council in organizing
an orientation for the new
engineering graduate students; Participated in preparing a survey about the major problems facing the engineering graduate
A.S. Ibrahim and K.J.R. Liu, Mitigating channel estimation error effects
with timing synchronization tradeoff in cooperative communications, to
appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal
Processing, 2009.
A.S. Ibrahim, K G. Seddik, and K.J.R. Liu, Connectivity-aware network maintenance and
repair via relays deployment, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, pp. 356-366, Jan.
3. A.S.
Ibrahim, Z. Han, and K.J.R. Liu, Distributed energy-efficient cooperative
routing in wireless networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless
Communication, vol. 7, pp. 3930-3941, Oct. 2008.
4. A.S. Ibrahim, A.K. Sadek,
K.G. Seddik, A.K.
Sadek, A.S. Ibrahim, and K.J.R. Liu,
Design criteria and performance analysis for
distributed space-time coding, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular
vol. 57, pp. 2280-2292, Jul. 2008.
6. K.G. Seddik, A.S.
Ibrahim, and K.J.R. Liu, Trans-modulation
in wireless relay networks, IEEE
Communications Letter, vol. 12, Is. 3, pp. 170-172, .Mar. 2008.
Hung-Quoc Lai, A.S. Ibrahim, and K.J.R. Liu, Wireless network cocast: location-aware
cooperative communications with linear network coding, to appear IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications,
8. M. Baidas, A.S. Ibrahim,
K G. Seddik, and K.J.R. Liu, Correlation-Based Cooperation for Distributed Detection in Wireless
Sensor Networks: Analysis and Modeling, in revision, IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communication.
A.S. Ibrahim and K.J.R. Liu, Mitigating
channel estimation error via cooperative communications, Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC'09), Jun. 2009.
M. Baidas, A.S. Ibrahim, K G. Seddik, and K.J.R. Liu, On the impact of correlation on distributed
detection in wireless sensor networks with relays deployment, Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'09), Jun. 2009.
Hung-Quoc Lai, A.S. Ibrahim, and K.J.R. Liu, Location-aware
cooperative communications utilizing linear network coding, Proc IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom'08), pp. 1-5, Nov. 2008.
4. A.S. Ibrahim,
K G. Seddik, and K.J.R. Liu, Connectivity-aware
network maintenance via relays deployment, Proc. IEEE Wireless Comm. and
Networking Conference 2008 (WCNC'08), pp. 2573-2578, Apr. 2008.
5. A.S. Ibrahim,
K G. Seddik, and K.J.R. Liu, Improving
connectivity via relays deployment in wireless sensor networks, Proc. IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom'07), pp. 1159-1163,
Nov. 2007.
A.S. Ibrahim, Z. Han, and K.J.R. Liu, Distributed energy-efficient cooperative routing in
wireless networks, Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
(Globecom'07), pp. 44134418, Nov. 2007.
7. K.G. Seddik, A.K. Sadek, A.S. Ibrahim, and
K.J.R. Liu, Synchronization-aware distributed
space-time codes in wireless relay networks," Proc. IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference (Globecom'07), pp. 3452-3456, Nov.
8. A.S. Ibrahim,
K.J.R. Liu, D. Novak, and R.B. Waterhouse, A
subspace signal processing technique for concealed weapons detection,
Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
(ICASSP07), pp. II-401 - II-404, Apr. 2007. (Nominee of the Best Student
Paper Award)
9. A.S. Ibrahim,
A.K. Sadek, W. Su, and K.J.R. Liu, Relay
selection in multi-node cooperative communications: when to cooperate and whom
to cooperate with?, Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
(Globecom'06), pp. 1-5, Nov. 2006.
10. A.S. Ibrahim,
A.K. Sadek,
11. A.S. Ibrahim, M.M.
Khairy, and A.F. Hussein, Multilayered
space-frequency block coded OFDM systems, Proc. The Global Signal
Processing EXPO and Conference,
12. A.S. Ibrahim,
M..M. Khairy, and A.F. Hussein Multilayered
space-time block codes for OFDM systems, Proc. The International
Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,
13. A.S. Ibrahim,
A. Adel, A. Ezeldin, A. Ali, A. Hussein, and S.E.-D. Habib, Design and implementation of an area-efficient
MEMS-based IR static earth sensor, Proc. The 15th IEEE
International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), pp. 143 - 146, Dec. 2003.
14. S. Pamidighantam, W. Laureyn, A.S. Ibrahim, A.
Verbist, H.A.C. Tilmans, A novel process for
fabricating slender and compliant suspended poly-Si micro-mechanical structures
with sub-micron gap spacing, Proc. The 15th IEEE Conference on Micro
Electro Mechanical Systems, pp. 661-664, 2002.