2007 Issue April
2007 Issue
SPM e-Newsletter
June 2007
Society News
Conference News
Publication News TC News Chapter and DL
Industry/Standard New PhD Theses
New Books
Job Portals
In-Depth Reports
Highlights of This Issue
PDF Version
Email Subscription: IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the eNews and related SPS announcements at < http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?LN=SP001>.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of eNews.
1. Society News
Thomas Kailah - 2007 Recipient of the IEEE Medal of
Dr. Thomas Kailath, a
respected leader in digital signal processing and systems theory, has been
named the recipient of the
2007 IEEE Medal of Honor for "exceptional development of powerful
algorithms in the fields of communications, computing, control and signal
processing." Some of Kailath's most recent research has influenced modern
work in semiconductor manufacturing and wireless communications. Dr. Kailath,
Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, will be presented with the award
at the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony in June 2007.
The May 2007 issue of
the IEEE Spectrum magazine featured Dr. Kailath on its cover and an
in-depth interview.
IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest IEEE award and is presented for an
exceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in an IEEE field of
interest. The award is sponsored by the IEEE Foundation. The award consists
of a gold medal, bronze replica, certificate and honorarium.
Call for Nomination of 2008 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
forms for the next year's IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal are now
available and due on 2 July 2007. The IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal was established in 1995 and may
be presented "for outstanding achievements in signal processing." The
achievement may be theoretical, technological or commercial. The Medal is named
in honor of Jack S. Kilby. His innovation was a monumental precursor to the
development of the signal processor and digital signal processing. Check
online for more information.
Other IEEE medals, including the IEEE Medal of Honor, are
also calling for nomination by 2 July 2007. Check
online for more information.
Nominations Open for 2007 Major SPS Awards
The SPS Awards Board is now accepting nominations for 2007
major SPS awards. Each year, SPS honors outstanding individuals who have
made significant contributions related to signal processing. The deadline for
the Society Award, the Technical Achievement Award, the Education Award, and
the Meritorious
Service Award is October 1,
2007. The Society also recognizes outstanding publications in SPS
journals and magazines through Best Paper Awards, Young Author Best Paper
Awards, and Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award. The deadline for the
paper awards is September 1, 2007.
The award nominations, which are submitted to SPS Vice
President - Awards and Membership, will be vetted by the appropriate
committees. Prospective nominators are encouraged to submit nominations
well in advance of the deadlines. Detailed information and nomination forms
of SPS awards can be found
Back to Top
2. Conference News
SSP 2007 Call for Participation
The IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) workshop, sponsored by
the IEEE Signal Processing Society, brings members of the IEEE Signal
Processing Society together with researchers from allied fields such as
statistics and bioinformatics. This year's
workshop will be held on August 26-29, 2007, in Madison, Wisconsin,
a vibrant city situated on a narrow isthmus between two large lakes.
Plenary lecturers include Emmanuel Candes, Richard Davidson, William
Freeman, Nir Friedman, Jelena Kovacevic, and George Papanicolaou.
The scope of the workshop includes basic theory, methods and algorithms,
and applications of statistics in signal processing. Topics to be
covered include adaptive systems and signal processing; Monte Carlo
methods; detection and estimation theory; learning theory and pattern
recognition; multivariate statistical analysis; system identification
and calibration; and time-frequency and time-scale analysis. Application
areas of particular interest include bioinformatics and genomic signal
processing; automotive and industrial applications; array processing,
radar, and sonar; communication systems and networks; sensor networks;
information forensics and security; biosignal processing and medical
imaging; and new methods, directions, and applications. Registration is
now open and the advanced registration deadline is July 1, 2007. Further
information is available at http://ssp07.org.
Conference Call-for-Paper & Deadlines |
Location |
Date |
Tutorial/Special Session |
Submission Deadline |
Picture Coding Symposium (PCS’07) |
Lisbon, Portugal |
Nov. 7-9, 2007 |
June 10, 2007 |
IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
(ASRU’07) |
Kyoto, Japan |
Dec. 9-13, 2007 |
Sept. 24, 2007 (demo) |
July 16, 2007 |
IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & Information
Technology (ISSPIT’07) |
Cairo, Egypt |
Dec. 15-18, 2007 |
July 1, 2007 |
July 1, 2007 |
International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal
Processing (ISCCSP'08) |
St. Julians,
Malta |
March 12-14, 2008 |
Oct. 1, 2007 |
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Las Vegas, NV
March 31 - April
4, 2008 |
Aug. 17, 2007 (special session) Nov. 9, 2007 (tutorial) |
Oct. 5, 2007 |
Upcoming SPS
Conferences |
Location |
Registration |
Conference Dates |
IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and
Statistics (GENSIPS'07) |
Tuusula, Finland |
June 10-12, 2007 |
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Communications (SPAWC’07) |
Helsinki, Finland |
June 17-20, 2007 |
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
(ICME’07) |
China |
July 2-5,
2007 |
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing
(SSP’07) |
Madison, WI |
July 1, 2007 |
Aug. 26-30, 2007 |
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal
Processing (MLSP’07) |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
July 2, 2007 |
Aug. 27-29,
2007 |
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS’07) |
London, UK |
July 19, 2007 |
Sep. 5-7,
2007 |
Biometrics Symposium (BYSM’07) |
Baltimore, MD |
Sep. 11-13, 2007 |
International Symposium ELMAR (ELMAR’07) |
Zadar, Croatia |
June 6, 2007 |
Sep. 12-14, 2007 |
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP’07) |
San Antonio, TX |
August 1, 2007 |
Sep. 16-19, 2007 |
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
(MMSP’07) |
Crete |
Oct. 1-3,
2007 |
IEEE Conference on Signal Processing Systems
(SIPS’07) |
Shanghai, China |
July 31, 2007 |
Oct. 17-19, 2007 |
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and
Acoustics (WASPAA’07) |
New Paltz, NY |
August 31, 2007 |
Oct. 21-24, 2007 |
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Asilomar’07) |
Pacific Grove, CA |
Nov. 4-7,
2007 |
International Packet Video Workshop (PV’07) |
Lausanne, Switzerland |
Nov. 12-13, 2007 |
IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in
Multi-channel Sensor Array Processing (CAMSAP'07) |
U.S. Virgin Islands |
Dec. 12-14, 2007 |
Back to Top
3. Publication News
Upcoming Deadlines for Signal Processing Magazine:
Columns/Forums rolling submission deadlines
Special Issue on Visual
Cultural Heritage: white paper
due 1 July 2007
The application of signal processing to the analysis of visual
Cultural Heritage artworks (man-made or natural) is still a very
uncommon practice. Lately, however, there has been a greater
interest on both sides for acquiring and processing Cultural
Heritage-related image data in order to facilitate their storage,
transmission, representation, analysis and fruition. Efforts in
these areas have been supported with promising results demonstrated
by some high visibility projects and by many initiatives worldwide.
Digital signal processing serves as a foundation upon which many
applications must rely for optimal results.
This special issue solicits tutorial articles with comprehensive
surveys of important theories, algorithms, tools, and applications
of signal processing to visual Cultural Heritage. Prospective
authors should follow
these instruction
online to submit a white paper summarizing the motivation, the
significance of the topic, a brief history, and an outline of the
Special Issue Deadlines of SPS Journals
Journal of Selected Topics in
Signal Processing (JSTSP) - Call for Proposals of
Special Issues:
J-STSP is a new journal of the IEEE Signal Processing Society that
emphasizes emerging technical areas within the discipline. For information on submitting papers to these special issues, or how to propose a topic for the journal, please visit the
J-STSP website. Inquiries can be addressed to Prof. A. Lee Swindlehurst,
Editor-in-Chief (Brigham Young University, UT, USA), Email:
[swindle AT ee.byu.edu].
SCITOPIA.ORG Research Site Set to Launch in June
IEEE and 12 of the world's leading science and technology
societies are launching scitopia.org, a free federated search engine that will
enable users to explore research most often cited in scholarly work and
patents. More than three million documents, including peer-reviewed journal
content and conference proceedings spanning 150 years of science and
technology, may be searched through this dedicated gateway.
Search results will present users with a relevant, ranked list of content
that will include the article's title, authors and citation. Once a piece of
content is selected, the user will be directed to the publisher's digital
library site to access the full text. Researchers at institutions with
subscriptions to the content will be automatically authenticated and will be
able to click through to access the full text. For full details about the
service and a full list of participating societies, visit
Recent Issues of SPS Sponsored and Co-sponsored Publications
Journal Title |
Latest Issue available online |
Cover & Contents |
Link |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Special Issue on Resource-Constrained Signal
Processing, Communications, and Networking
- DSP History: Interview with Dr. Lotfi Zadeh on Fuzzy Logic
- Columns on Processing on GPUs and DSP Software
vol. 24, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech,
and Language Processing |
vol. 15, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
vol. 16, no. 6 |
(in color) |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Information
Forensics and Security |
vol. 2, no. 2 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing |
vol. 55, no. 6 |
Part 1
Part 2 |
Html |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
vol. 14, no. 6 |
Html |
Journal Title |
Latest Issue available online |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol. 26, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
vol. 6, no. 7 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
vol. 9, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
vol. 7, no. 7 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications |
vol. 6, no. 5 |
Html |
Computing in
Science & Engineering Magazine |
vol. 9, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE MultiMedia |
vol. 14, no. 2 |
Html |
Back to Top
4. TC News
Image and MultiDimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) Technical
The IEEE Image and MultiDimensional Signal
Processing (IMDSP) Technical Committee promotes the advancement of the
field of image and video and multidimensional signal processing. One of
the TC’s most important responsibilities is overseeing the organization
and the technical program and serving as core reviewers for the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), which is the
largest and premiere IEEE conference on image and video. The IMDSP TC
also coordinates the paper reviews for ICASSP in the IMDSP area,
organizes and operates workshops related to IMDSP, makes nominations for
Society awards and paper awards, assists in the selection of SPS
Distinguished Lecturers, assists in the development of IEEE standards,
and supports various IEEE publications in the area of IMDSP. Learn more about the
IMDSP TC effort through this
exclusive in-depth report.
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5. Chapter News and Distinguished Lectures
Do you know? IEEE SPS provides travel support for local chapters to
invite SPS Distinguished Lecturers. See
a list of 2006 and 2007 SPS DLs, and check
below for upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you.
Chapter |
Dates |
SPS Distinguished Lectures |
Eastern North Carolina |
11-Jun-2007 |
Robert Gray: "Packet speech on the Arpanet: A history of
early linear predictive coded (LPC) speech and its accidental impact on
the Internet Protocol,"
6:30pm, NC IDEA Campus Auditorium Building 1 (formerly MCNC Auditorium;
directions). Contact: H. Joel Trussell [hjt AT ncsu.edu]. |
Greece |
June, 2007 |
Georgios Giannakis:
Estimation Using Wireless Sensor Nets" (5-Jun-2007) and "Wireless
Cooperative Communications" (14-Jun-2007)
Contact: [thanos
AT ee.upatras.gr] |
Turkey |
7-12 June, 2007
Informatics Institute, Ankara (contact: yardimy AT ii.metu.edu.tr)
Georgios Giannakis: "Distributed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor
Nets" (7-Jun-2007) ·
Luis Torres: "Face Detection and
Recognition" (8-Jun-2007)At
Eskisehir Anadolu University (contact: atalaybarkan AT
Georgios Giannakis: "Wireless Cooperative Communications"
(11-Jun-2007) · Luis Torres: "Distributed Video Coding"
(12-Jun-2007) |
Dallas, TX |
17-Sep-2007 |
Georgios Giannakis: "Distributed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor
Networks," 11am, at TI Auditorium, ECS Building South, University of
Texas at Dallas. See
details. |
Colombia |
27-Sep-2007 |
Aggelos Katsaggelos: "Image and Video Recovery," invited DL talk at 12th
Symposium on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Machine Vision (XII
STSIVA), 9am. See
event details. Contact: [xii_stsiva AT uninorte.edu.co] |
Chapter |
Dates |
Other Upcoming
Events |
Northern Virginia |
14-Jun-2007 |
Bruce Flinchbaugh (Texas Instruments): "Smart
Camera Systems Technology Roadmap." See
event details. RSVP encouraged to Tim Settle [settlet@saic.com]. |
United Kingdom &
Republic of Ireland |
July, 2007 |
Co-sponsoring Visual Information Engineering 2007 Conference, to be held
at the Royal Statistical Society, London, UK. Visit the
UKRI chapter website and
the conference website
for more information. |
If you are interested in organizing a new SPS chapter, or participating in activities
in a SPS local chapter near you, please check out
Local Chapter Resources.
Additional questions and comments can be addressed to the
SPS Chapters Committee.
Back to Top
6. Standard/Industry News
Standardization Effort on Cognitive Radio for Dynamic Spectrum Access
Dynamic spectrum access provides a suite of spectrum management policies
and techniques envisioned to resolve the paradox between the overly crowded
spectrum and pervasive idle frequency bands revealed by actual spectrum
usage measurements. Such techniques have recently captured much attention.
Standardization activities regarding dynamic spectrum access have also taken
place. The IEEE P1900 Standards Group was established in 2005, aiming to
develop supporting standards dealing with new technologies and techniques
being developed for cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access. In March,
the IEEE Standards Board approved the reorganization of the IEEE 1900 effort
as Standards Coordinating Committee 41 (SCC 41), Dynamic Spectrum Access
Networks (DySPAN). Learn more about
the standardization effort of cognitive radio from the
in-depth report.
Peer-to-Peer System and Applications
Development of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems and applications may radically
change the way that the Internet is used today. A unique characteristic of
the P2P application is that the peers bring with them serving capacity when
they join the network. Therefore, as more peers join the system and the
demand of a peer-to-peer system grows, the capacity of the system grows too.
This is in sharp contrast to the traditional client-server system, where the
server capacity is fixed and paid for by the provider. Learn more about the
on-going industrial R&D on P2P from the in-depth
Learn Standards
in a Nutshell from the latest issue of SPM on
"W3C Speech Interface Languages: VoiceXML" by James
A. Larson (May
2007, pp. 126-130).
Back to Top
7. New PhD Theses
Svetlana Monakhova Bachmann (University of Oklahoma):
"Spectral Analyses of the Dual Polarization Doppler Weather
Radar Data," March 2007.
Advised by Prof. Tian-You Yu.
The national network of weather radars is undergoing an upgrade to
include the dual polarization capability. The time series obtained with the
polarimetric prototype of the forthcoming weather radar are used to study
echoes in clear air. Clear air echoes have low signal to noise ratios that
create a challenge for signal processing techniques. Clear air echoes
contaminated by bird returns during migration are usually considered to be
worthless for meteorological interpretation. This dissertation presents
novel polarimetric spectral analyses that help distinguishing signatures of
different types of scatterers present in the same resolution volumes.
Spectral techniques for data censoring, wind retrieval, and estimation of
intrinsic values/functions of polarimetric variables for different types of
scatterers are presented. The possibilities of spectral processing using
parametric estimation techniques are explored for resolving contributions to
the Doppler spectrum from the three types of scatterers: passive wind
tracers, actively flying insects, and birds. A combination of parametric and
non-parametric polarimetric spectral analyses is used to estimate the small
bias introduced to the wind velocity by actively flying insects.
Click here
to download the dissertation, or contact
the author for more information.
Patrick Vandewalle (Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL, Switzerland):
"Super-Resolution from Unregistered Aliased Images,"
July 2006.
Advised by
Prof. Martin Vetterli and Prof. Sabine
Aliasing in images is often considered a nuisance. However, aliasing can
also convey useful information about the high frequency content of the
image, which is exploited in super-resolution applications. We use a set of
aliased input images of the same scene to extract such high frequency
information and create a higher resolution, aliasing-free image. In general,
super-resolution image reconstruction can be formulated as a multichannel
sampling problem with unknown offsets. This results in a set of equations
that are linear in the unknown signal coefficients but nonlinear in the
offsets. This thesis concentrates on the computation of these offsets, as
they are an essential prerequisite for a high resolution reconstruction.
First, a super-resolution method for partially aliased signals is presented.
Then, three methods for totally aliased signals are described: two of them
use a subspace approach, while the third uses Gröbner bases. These
algorithms are tested in simulations and practical experiments.
Click here
to download the dissertation, or contact
the author for more information.
Ian Chan Wong (University of Texas at Austin):
"A Unified Framework for Optimal Resource Allocation in Multiuser
Multicarrier Wireless Systems," April 2007.
Advised by Prof. Brian L. Evans.
The problem of allocating time slots, subcarriers, rates, and power to
the different users in an OFDMA system has been an area of active research
in recent years. Previous research efforts in OFDMA resource allocation have
typically focused on maximizing instantaneous performance, developing
sub-optimal heuristic algorithms, and assuming perfect channel state
information (CSI) is available at the transmitter. This dissertation focuses
on developing a unified algorithmic framework based on dual optimization
techniques that have complexities that are linear in the number of
subcarriers and users, and that achieve negligible optimality gaps in
standards-based numerical simulations. This framework is applicable to
continuous/ergodic instantaneous/discrete rate maximization, and assuming
CSI with or without channel distribution information.
Click here
to download the dissertation, or contact
the author at <ian.wong AT
Interested in submitting or recommending a recent Ph.D.
Please prepare the following material and
email Associate Editor at <piva AT lci.det.unifi.it>:
(1) thesis author's information (full name, contact, current affiliation, URL if
available), Ph.D granting institution, thesis advisor's name and contact
(2) title, URL, and a short summary of the thesis (100-150 words); and
(3) an email from the thesis advisor confirming that the author has already
successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis and
that a final version of the thesis has officially been submitted according to
the Ph.D. degree requirements of the author's institution.
Back to Top
8. New Books
Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and
Applications, by P. Campisi
and K. Egiazarian (editors), CRC, 2007.
Book Description
From the Publisher: Blind image deconvolution is
constantly receiving increasing attention from the academic
as well the industrial world due to both its theoretical and
practical implications. The field of blind image
deconvolution has several applications in different areas
such as image restoration, microscopy, medical imaging,
biological imaging, remote sensing, astronomy,
nondestructive testing, geophysical prospecting, and many
others. Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications
surveys the current state of research and practice as
presented by the most recognized experts in the field, thus
filling a gap in the available literature on blind image deconvolution.
Visit the
book's website for detailed Table of Contents and
ordering information.
VLSI DESIGN OF WAVELET TRANSFORM -Analysis, Architecture, and Design
by Liang-Gee Chen, Chao-Tsung Huang, Ching-Yeh
Chen and Chih-Chi Cheng, World Scientific, 2006.
Book Description From the Publisher:
Discrete wavelet transforms (DWTs) have led the revolutions in image and
video coding systems over the past decade. In this book, the DWT is
presented from the VLSI design perspective, and the related theories,
algorithms, and architectures are discussed for 1D, 2D, and 3D DWT. The book
provides a comprehensive analysis and discussion of DWTs and their
applications including important materials and the newest developments in
wavelet processing. For example, the architecture designs of 2D DWT in JPEG
2000 and the development of motion-compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) are
[Contents] 1. Introduction; 2. Algorithm Views of Discrete Wavelet
Transform; 3. Architectures of One-Dimensional DWT; 4. Architectures of
Two-Dimensional DWT; 5. Practical Design Examples of 2-D DWT: JPEG 2000
Encoder Systems; 6. Introduction to MCTF; 7. Introduction to Motion
Estimation; 8. Analysis and Architecture of MCTF.
Multirate Statistical Signal Processing, by O.S.
Jahromi, Springer,
April 2007
Book Description:
This book introduces a unified statistical theory for the
analysis and design of multirate signal processing systems.
This new theory generalizes the deterministic theory of
multirate systems beyond many of its constraints.
Furthermore, it allows for the formulation and solution of
several new problems including multirate spectrum
estimation, multirate time-delay estimation and multirate
sensor fusion.
More information can be found at
author's website and the
publisher’s website.
Local Approximation Techniques in Signal and Image Processing, by V. Katkovnik, K. Egiazarian, and J. Astola, SPIE Press, September 2006.
Book Description
From the Publisher:
This book deals with a wide class of novel and efficient
adaptive signal processing techniques developed to restore
signals from noisy and degraded observations. These signals
include those acquired from still or video cameras, electron
microscopes, radar, X rays, or ultrasound devices, and are
used for various purposes, including entertainment, medical,
business, industrial, military, civil, security, and
scientific applications.
[Contents] Preface; Notations and Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 2 Discrete LPA;
3 Shift-Invariant LPA Kernels; 4 Integral LPA; 5 Discrete LPA Accuracy; 6
Adaptive-Scale Selection; 7 Anisotropic LPA; 8 Anisotropic LPA-ICI Algorithms; 9
Image Reconstruction; 10 Nonlinear Methods; 11 Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood;
12 Photon Imaging; 13 Multiresolution Analysis; 14 Appendix; References; Index.
Embedded Image Processing on TMS320C6000 DSP:
Examples in Code Composer Studio and Matlab, by Shehrzad
Oureshi, Springer, 2005.
Book Description
from Mathworks: Written for practicing signal and image
processing engineers, this book discusses the implementation
of advanced image processing algorithms on
resource-constrained embedded DSP systems. Topics covered
include spatial processing techniques, image filtering, edge
detection, and wavelets. MATLAB is used throughout the book
to solve application examples. In addition, the Link for
Code Composer Studio, the Image Processing Toolbox, and the
Wavelet Toolbox are introduced and used to solve relevant
Check out the
in-depth book review in the SPM May 2007 issue.
New Books Featured in Previous Issues [details]
Multidimensional Signal, Image and Video Processing and Coding, John W. Woods, Academic Press, 2006.
MIMO Wireless
Communications, E. Bilgieri, A. R. Calderbank, A. G.
Constantinides, A. Goldsmith, A. Paulraj and H. V. Poor (eds), Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks – Compression, Networking and
Systems, M. van der Schaar, P. Chou (eds), Elsevier, 2007.
Speech Recognition Over Digital Channels,
Antonio M. Peinado and Jose C. Segura, Wiley, July 2006.
Back to Top
9. Research Opportunities
2-year Post-doc Position on Wireless Biomedical Sensor Network
Institution: National Hospital of Norway
in Oslo and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in
Application Deadline: 1 September 2007.
Research Project: Collaborative context
aware signal processing
Several clinical applications require a combination of multiple biomedical
sensors measuring some physiological parameters. The location of sensor
nodes and the environment are often defined. Context awareness may provide
information to maximize overall utility of the sensor network. The goal of
the project is to develop more basic understanding of, and novel and more
efficient principles/methods for signal processing and communications in
wireless biomedical sensor networks. The project will mainly address basic
research for improved energy-efficiency, quality-of-service (QoS), and
robustness. For more information, please visit [http://www.ivs.no/sampos].
The candidate should have a Ph.D. degree
or similar education trainings, and have a solid background in signal
processing and wireless communications. It is also desirable that the
candidate has knowledge in software development using C/MATLAB. The salary
and terms are in accordance with Norwegian state regulations. Salary: NOK
380 000 – 430 000, (approximately US $ 61 400 – 69 500).
For further information on the position,
contact Prof. Ilangko Balasingham [ilangkob AT klinmed.uio.no].
Research Opportunities Featured in Previous Issues [details]
Vice Chancellor's Strategic Research PhD Scholarship
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Post-doc positions in Network Science
Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Adelphi, MD, USA
Job Posting Portals
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Contributors of articles in this
John Apostolopoulos, Sheila Hemami, Jin Li,
Rebecca Willett, and
Qing Zhao.
About SPM e-Newsletter
Since April 2007, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
has introduced a new form of publication - a Monthly Electronic Newsletter. The e-Newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the
members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification
and expanded coverage on its website, the e-Newsletter will provide members
with timely updates on:
society and technical committee news,
conference and publication
opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,
signal processing related research
opportunities, and
activities in industry consortiums,
local chapters, and government programs.
The e-Newsletter is a gateway to reach out to signal
processing professionals around the world. We invite you to contribute and share
your news with tens of thousands of SPS members through this monthly
electronic publication with fast turn-around cycle. IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the eNews and related SPS announcements at
this page.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of eNews.
Submission Instructions
- Contribution for the July '07 Issue Due June 20, 2007
Please contact the Associate Editors of the
corresponding sections as listed below to provide your input or if you have questions. Make sure that you
include your name, affiliation, and email and phone contact information.
Contributions submitted by June 20, 2007 will be considered for
inclusion in the next issue of the SPM e-Newsletter.
Contact Information of the SPM e-Newsletter Team
Min Wu, SPM Area Editor for e-Newsletter,
University of Maryland, College Park, USA (minwu AT umd.edu)
Dai, Associate Editor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
(huaiyu_dai AT ncsu.edu)
Conference and publication news
Alessandro Piva, Associate Editor,
University of Florence, Italy
(piva AT lci.det.unifi.it)
News and activities in local chapters
and research groups (including new Ph.D. theses)
Mihaela van der Schaar, Associate Editor,
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
(mihaela AT ee.ucla.edu)
News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Nitin Chandrachoodan, Digital Production
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras (nitin AT ee.iitm.ac.in)
Online submission and production system
Shih-Fu Chang, SPM Editor-in-Chief,
Columbia University, New York, USA
(sfchang AT ee.columbia.edu)
* Please replace "AT" in the email addresses with @.
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In-Depth Articles of June 2007 SPM
Exclusive Report from
Image and
MultiDimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee
Sheila Hemami
(Cornell University), TC Chair
John Apostolopoulos (HP Labs), Vice chair |
The purpose of the IEEE Image and
MultiDimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) Technical Committee is
to promote and guide the advancement of the field of image and video
and multidimensional signal processing. This includes those areas
listed under all
EDICS categories of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
and under the
EDICS subcategory Multidimensional Signal Processing of the
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
The IMDSP TC’s responsibilities include
assisting in reviewing submissions to the Signal Processing Society
(SPS) conferences. For example, the TC coordinates the paper
reviews for ICASSP in the IMDSP area and also serves as core
reviewers in this area (460 papers where submitted in the IMDSP area
in the recent ICASSP’07). The TC also organizes and operates
independent workshops, makes nominations for Society awards and
paper awards, assists in the selection of SPS Distinguished
Lecturers, assists in the development of IEEE standards, and
supports various IEEE publications in the area of IMDSP including
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. TC members also
support a variety of
related conferences and workshops, often assuming leadership
roles as part of the organizing committee.
One of the TC’s most important responsibilities
is overseeing the organization and the technical program, and
serving as core reviewers, for the IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP), which is the largest and premiere IEEE
conference on image and video. Topic areas include image/video
coding and transmission; image/video processing; image formation for
biomedical imaging and remote sensing; image scanning, display, and
printing; image/video storage, retrieval, and authentication; and
applications in biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing,
document image processing and analysis, and other imaging
applications. ICIP is held yearly and
ICIP 2007 will be held on
September 16-19, 2007, in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
The IMDSP TC is composed of 30 elected members,
plus the Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, and the Editor-in-Chief of
the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing who is a nonvoting Ex
Officio member. For more details about the activities of this TC
please visit the
TC website.
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Standardization News:
Cognitive Radio for Dynamic Spectrum Access
Contributor: Qing Zhao (University of California,
Davis) |
Cognitive radio has captured much attention
recently. First promoted by Mitola in 1999, cognitive radio is a
context-aware intelligent radio potentially capable of autonomous
reconfiguration by learning from and adapting to the communication
While cognitive radio represents a much broader
paradigm where many aspects of communication systems can be improved
via cognition, dynamic spectrum access is no doubt one of its most
important applications.
Dynamic spectrum access is a suite of spectrum
management policies and techniques envisioned to resolve the paradox
between the overly crowded spectrum and pervasive idle frequency
bands revealed by actual spectrum usage measurements. Approaches to
dynamic spectrum access can be broadly categorized under three
models, as detailed in
a recent survey in the May issue of IEEE Signal Processing
The dynamic exclusive use model maintains the
basic structure of the current spectrum regulation policy: spectrum
bands are licensed to services for exclusive use. The main idea is
to introduce flexibility for improved spectrum efficiency. Two
approaches have been proposed under this model: spectrum property
rights and dynamic spectrum allocation. The former approach allows
licensees to sell and trade spectrum and to freely choose
technology. Economy and market will thus play a more important role
in driving toward the most profitable use of spectrum. The latter
was brought forth by the European DRiVE project. It aims to improve
spectrum efficiency through dynamic spectrum assignment by
exploiting the spatial and temporal traffic statistics of different
The opening sharing model (or the commons
model) employs open sharing among peer users as the basis for
managing a spectral region. Advocates of this model draw support
from the phenomenal success of wireless services operating in the
unlicensed ISM band (e.g., WiFi).
The third is the hierarchical access model. The
basic idea is to open licensed spectrum to secondary users while
limiting the interference perceived by primary users (licensees).
Two approaches to spectrum sharing between primary and secondary
users have been considered: spectrum underlay and spectrum overlay.
The underlay approach imposes severe constraints on the transmission
power of secondary users so that they operate below the noise floor
of primary users. By spreading transmitted signals over a wide
frequency band (UWB), secondary users can potentially achieve
short-range high data rate with extremely low transmission power.
Spectrum overlay was first envisioned by Mitola in 1999 and then
investigated by the DARPA XG program (under the term "opportunistic
spectrum access"). This approach directly targets at idle frequency
bands in both time and space by allowing secondary users to identify
and exploit instantaneous and local spectrum availability in a
nonintrusive manner.
Standardization activities regarding dynamic
spectrum access have also taken place. The IEEE P1900 Standards
Group was established in 2005, aiming to develop supporting
standards dealing with new technologies and techniques being
developed for cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access. In March,
the IEEE Standards Board approved the reorganization of the IEEE
1900 effort as Standards Coordinating Committee 41 (SCC 41), Dynamic
Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN). More details on SCC41 can be
found at [http://www.scc41.org/].
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Standardization News
Industry News
on Peer-to-Peer System and
Contributor: Jin Li (Microsoft
Research, Redmond, WA) |
The peer-to-peer (P2P) system and applications may
radically change the way that the Internet is used today. A unique
characteristic of the P2P application is that the peers bring with
them serving capacity when they join the network. Therefore, as more
peers join the system and the demand of a peer-to-peer system grows,
the capacity of the system grows, too. This is in sharp contrast to
the traditional client-server system, where the server capacity is
fixed and paid for by the provider. As a result, the P2P application
is cheap to build and superb in scalability. It drastically reduces the
operation cost of the server and offers better experience to the end
Currently, there is a growing interest in delivering video over the
Internet. The traffic on the Internet is doubling each year, while
the capacity of the Internet, grows at a far slower pace. A P2P
system that considers the delivery locality and cooperates with
existing infrastructure of servers and
content delivery networks (CDNs)
is the only viable technology to
delivery huge amount of content efficiently, reliably and cost
effectively to a huge user base.
The Communication and Collaboration Systems group at Microsoft
Research researches best methods, protocols and systems in building
P2P applications. One unique aspect of Microsoft's P2P research is
that the existing Internet infrastructure (server, CDN nodes,
Internet routing) is taken into consideration in designing a P2P
system. The resulting solution is a hybrid of the P2P network and
the existing server/CDN infrastructure. The approach has made the
system friendly to the existing Internet service provider and
infrastructure, and thus improve the scalability of the system.
P2P research area at Microsoft covers the use of P2P network for
asynchronous content distribution (file sharing), synchronous
content distribution (gaming, conferencing, Internet TV), on-demand
streaming, file backup and information retrieval, economics, markets
and security issue. The focus is the communication and media
processing technology that can be used to make efficient utilization
of the peer resource, ensure reliable delivery of content, and
support quality-of-service of the delivery in P2P network.
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