Archived Past Issues
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
June 2008
PDF Version
From the E-News Team:
We thank all readers for their contributions and feedback in the past year and we look forward to your participation in
the new year. Please share the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter with your colleagues by emailing
and bookmarking <http://enews.ieee-spm.org> for
current and archived issues. IEEE
members may manage their subscription to email notification of the Inside Signal
Processing E-Newsletter
at <http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?LN=SP001>.
1. Society News
Call for Nominations of 2009 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal
Processing Medal
Nomination forms for the next year's IEEE Jack S. Kilby
Signal Processing Medal are now available and due on 1 July 2008. The
IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal was established in 1995 and may
be presented "for outstanding achievements in signal processing." The
achievement may be theoretical, technological or commercial. The Medal is
named in honor of Jack S. Kilby. His innovation was a monumental precursor
to the development of the signal processor and digital signal processing.
online for more information.
Other IEEE medals, including the IEEE Medal of Honor, are
also calling for nomination by 1 July 2008. Check
online for more information.
Nominations Open for 2008 Major SPS Awards
The SPS Awards Board is now accepting nominations for 2008
major SPS awards. Each year, SPS honors outstanding individuals who have
made significant contributions related to signal processing through the
Society Award, the Technical Achievement Award, the Education Award, and the
Meritorious Service Award. The Society also recognizes outstanding
publications in SPS journals and magazines through Best Paper Awards, Young
Author Best Paper Awards, Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award and
Best Column Award. The deadline for all awards is 1 October 2008.
The award nominations, which are submitted to SPS Vice
President-Awards and Membership, will be vetted by the appropriate
technical committees. Prospective nominators are encouraged to submit
nominations well in advance of the deadlines. Detailed information and
nomination forms of SPS awards can be found
Back to Index
2. Conference News
Proc. Conferences: Call for Papers |
Location |
Date |
Tutorial/Special Session |
Submission Deadline |
International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08) |
China |
Oct. 26-29, 2008 |
June 15, 2008 |
13th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop (DSP'09) and 5th
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Education (SPE'09) |
Marco Island,
FL |
January 4-7, 2009 |
August 1, 2008 |
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP’09) |
Taiwan |
April 19-24, 2009 |
August 4, 2008 |
Sept. 29, 2008 |
Upcoming Signal Processing Conferences |
Location |
Advanced Registration |
Conference Dates |
IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics
(GENSIPS'08) |
Arizona |
June 8-10, 2008 |
International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing |
Greece |
June 9-10, 2008, 2008 |
International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME’08) |
Germany |
June 23-26, 2008 |
Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
(SPAWC’08) |
Brazil |
July 6-9, 2008 |
International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing
(ICALIP’08) |
China |
July 7-9, 2008 |
International Symposium on Image/Video Communications (ISIVC’08) |
Spain |
July 5, 2008 |
July 9-11, 2008 |
IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-Channel Signal Processing
(SAM’08) |
Darmstadt, Germany |
June 20, 2008 |
July 21-23,
2008 |
International Workshop on Multimedia Security in Communication
in conjunction with
China |
Aug. 25-27, 2008 |
2nd International Symposium on Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing (MRRS'08) |
Kiev, Ukraine |
June 30, 2008 |
Sept. 22-24, 2008 |
10th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space
Communications (SPSC'08) |
Rhodes Island, Greece |
June 29, 2008 |
Oct. 6-8, 2008 |
Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
(MMSP'08) |
Oct. 8-10, 2008 |
Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS’08) |
Washington, DC |
July 31, 2008 |
Oct. 8-10, 2008 |
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'08) |
San Diego,
CA |
Oct. 12-15, 2008 |
IEEE Workshops on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP’08) |
Mexico |
Oct. 16-19, 2008 |
IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'08) |
China |
Sept. 1, 2008 |
Oct. 19-22, 2008 |
IEEE Conference on Sensors (SENSORS 2008) |
Italy |
July 31, 2008 |
Oct. 26-29, 2008 |
Back to Index
3. Publication News
Upcoming Deadlines for Signal Processing Magazine:
Special Issue Deadlines of SPS Publications
Journal of Selected Topics
in Signal Processing
Recent Issues of SPS Sponsored and Co-sponsored Publications
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Special Section on Spoken Language Technology
- Feature Article on Auditory Perception and Cognition
vol. 25, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing |
vol. 16, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
vol. 17, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and
Security |
vol. 3, no. 2 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
vol. 56, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
vol. 15 |
Html |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- MIMO-Optimized Transmission Systems for Delivering Data and
Rich Content
vol. 2, no. 2 |
Html |
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol. 27, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
vol. 7, no. 7 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
vol. 10, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
vol. 8, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
vol. 7, no. 5 |
Part-2 |
Html |
Computing in Science & Engineering Magazine |
vol. 10, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE MultiMedia |
vol. 15, no. 1 |
Html |
Back to Index
4. TC News
Signal Processing Education Technical Committee
The Signal Processing Education Technical
Committee operates at the intersection of a rapidly evolving,
industry-driven technical field and the very dynamic, human-centered
profession of education. The committee focuses on improving the quality
and effectiveness of signal processing education, for students as well
as the public at large. The committee emphasizes a systematic approach
to educational research instead of the use of isolated examples and
anecdotal data. This includes publicizing best teaching practices,
encouraging pedagogical innovation, and exploring new vehicles for
delivering educational content. One example of this is participation on
the Lensing Oversight Committee for the
Connexions project. The committee also works to educate decision
makers about the importance and pervasiveness of signal processing in
modern technology, and its impact on society. Committee members
represent a broad range of signal processing research interests, and are
typically active within both the SPS and the American Society for
Engineering Education (ASEE) communities. This places the members at an
ideal vantage point from which to educate the SPS membership about
pressing needs in other fields and related research opportunities that
can benefit from the applications of signal processing.
The committee
serves as a liaison among SPS TCs for education issues, and is involved
in conference organization (in particular for the biennial Signal
Processing Education Workshop), providing conference reviewers, and
recognizing excellence in DSP education through awards and distinguished
lecturers. Further information can be found at the
TC website.
Back to Index
5. Chapter News and Distinguished Lectures
Do you know? IEEE SPS provides travel support for local chapters to
invite SPS Distinguished Lecturers. See
a list of SPS
2007 and 2008 Distinguished Lecturers, and check
each issue of the E-News for upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you.
Chapter |
Dates |
SPS Distinguished Lectures |
Spain |
13-June-2008 |
Prof. Nikos Sidiropoulos (Technical University of Crete,
Greece): "Analyzing Data ‘Boxes’". At 12:30pm, Room 4.3A05, Building 4 (Torres Quevedo),
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avda. Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés
(Madrid). |
Germany |
24-25 July 2008 |
Prof. Nikos Sidiropoulos (Technical University of Crete):
"Multicast beamforming and admission control for UMTS-LTE and 802.16e".
Contact <udo.zoelzer AT hsu-hamburg.de>
for more information. |
Singapore |
Late July 2008 |
Prof. Petar M. Djuric (SUNY Stony Brook).
Details to be announced. Contact <EGBI AT ntu.edu.sg>
for more information. |
Malaysia |
31-July-2008 |
Prof. Petar M. Djuric (SUNY Stony Brook).
Details to be announced. Contact <faizal1 AT mmu.edu.my>
for more information. |
Chapter |
Dates |
Other Upcoming Events |
Washington |
2-June-2008 |
Dr. Jin Li (Microsoft), "Peer-Assisted Delivery: The Way to Scale IPTV to the World." See
announcement for more information. |
Santa Clara Valley |
2-June-2008 |
Dr. Keigo Hirakawa (Harvard University): "Enhancing
Image Fidelity through Spatio-Spectral Design for Color Image
Acquisition, Reconstruction, and Display." See
chapter web site for more information. |
Northern Virginia |
12-June-2008 |
Bruce Howard (Lightglove Corporation), "Applications and Demonstration of Lightglove, a New User Interface." See
announcement for more information. |
If you are interested in organizing a new SPS chapter, or participating in activities
in a SPS local chapter near you, please check out
Local Chapter Resources.
Additional questions and comments can be addressed to the
SPS Chapters Committee.
Back to Index
6. New Initiatives and Trends
Signal and Image Processing with Graphical Models and Belief Propagation
Many practical signal processing applications, ranging
from modern communication systems to 3-D scene reconstruction, involve
large, complex collections of hidden variables and uncertain parameters.
Probabilistic graphical models provide a general framework for designing
systems of this kind. Graphs are used to decompose joint distributions into
a set of local constraints and dependencies, and statistical learning and
inference can then be applied to solve the problem.
The March 2008 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine featured an "DSP Applications" column article by E.B.
Sudderth and W.T. Freeman to review an effective and widely adopted
inference algorithm known as Belief Propagation (BP). Read
more about BP algorithms and applications from
this article.
Exploratory DSP from the latest issue of the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine in May 2008 on "Seeing Speech: Capturing Vocal Tract Shaping Using Real-Time
Magnetic Resonance Imaging" by E. Bresch, Y-C. Kim, K. Nayak, D. Byrd, and S. Narayanan.
Back to Index
7. SP
Education and Resources
Education advices on Effective Communication featured in
the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine
DSP Tips and Tricks featured in the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine
Back to Index
8. New Ph.D. Theses
Lino Coria Mendoza (University of British Columbia, Canada):
"Low-complexity methods for image and video watermarking," March 2008.
Advised by Prof. Rabab K. Ward and Dr. Panos Nasiopoulos.
Watermarking can be used to identify the owner of the media content. It
can also provide information about the content's usage restrictions. Several
applications are considered and three watermarking solutions are provided in
this thesis. First, for applications such as proof of ownership and digital
fingerprinting, a fast content-dependent image watermarking method is
proposed. The method generates a set of evenly distributed codewords that
are constructed via an iterative algorithm. Every message bit is represented
by one of these codewords and is embedded in one of the image's blocks. Two
watermarking schemes designed to prevent theatre camcorder piracy are also
presented. In these methods, the video is watermarked so that its display is
not permitted if a compliant video player detects the watermark. The proposed algorithms take
advantage of the properties of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. The
schemes are simple to implement and the resultant watermarks are robust to
geometric distortions and lossy compression.
for more information of the thesis.
Interested in submitting or recommending a recent Ph.D.
thesis? Please prepare the following material and visit the
web submission site to provide
your input. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva
at <piva AT lci.det.unifi.it> if
you have any questions. (1) thesis author's information (full name, contact, current affiliation, URL if
available), Ph.D. granting institution, thesis advisor's name and contact
information; (2) title, URL, and a short summary of the thesis (100-150 words); and (3) an email from the thesis advisor to
Associate Editor at <alessandro.piva AT
confirming that the author has already
successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis and
that a final version of the thesis has officially been submitted according to
the Ph.D. degree requirements of the author's institution.
Back to Index
9. New Books
Nonlinear Digital Filters: Analysis and Applications, W. K.
Ling, Elsevier, 2007.
Description from the publisher: This book provides an easy-to-understand
overview of nonlinear behavior in digital filters, showing how it can be
utilized or avoided when operating nonlinear digital filters. It gives
techniques for analyzing discrete-time systems with discontinuous linearity,
enabling the analysis of other nonlinear discrete-time systems, such as
sigma delta modulators, digital phase lock loops, and turbo coders.
Visit the book's
website for detailed Table of Contents and ordering information.
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks: Technologies, Analysis and Design,
R. Verdone, D. Dardari, G. Mazzini and A. Conti, Elsevier, 2008.
Description from the publisher: When choosing the technology options to
develop a wireless sensor network (WSN), it is vital that their performance
levels can be assessed for the type of application intended. This book
describes the different technology options – MAC protocols, routing
protocols, localization and data fusion techniques – and provides the means
to numerically measure their performance, whether by simulation,
mathematical models or experimental test beds. Case studies, based on the
authors’ direct experience of implementing wireless sensor networks,
describe the design methodology and the type of measurements used, together
with samples of the performance measurements attained.
Visit the book's
website for detailed Table of Contents and ordering information.
Books Featured in Previous Issues [details]
Data Compression: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, edited by
D. Salomon, Springer, 2007.
Automatic Speech Recognition on
Mobile Devices and over Communication Networks,
edited by Z-H. Tan and B. Lindberg, Springer, 2008.
A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single-Frequency Approach,
by K. Borre, D.M. Akos, N. Bertelsen, P. Rinder, and S.H. Jensen,
Birkhauser Publishing, 2007.
Medical Imaging: Signals and Systems,
by Jerry L. Prince and Jonathan M. Links, Prentice Hall, 2006.
Back to Index
10. Research Opportunities
Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Statistical Signal Processing
Uppsala University, Sweden
The IT Department at Uppsala University (Sweden) invites
applications for a Ph.D. Research Assistantship in the area of signal
processing. The research will be supervised by
Prof. Peter Stoica. The
salary/stipend starts at USD $3500 per month, and then increases on a yearly
basis. The facilities are among the best in the world.
As one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in
Europe, Uppsala University has a highly selective admission process.
Candidates are expected to have a strong academic record to be considered.
EE students from internationally well known universities with top 5% record
in their class are encouraged to apply. Candidates should send a resume to
Prof. Stoica at <ps AT it.uu.se>.
More information about the Signal Processing Group at
Uppsala University can be found at
this link.
Research Associate in Systems and Control
Uppsala University, Sweden
The Department of Information Technology is inviting applications for a
position as Research Associate in Systems and Control. The position is
oriented towards research in either Automatic Control or Signal Processing.
This is principally a research appointment but will also involve teaching at
undergraduate and postgraduate level and supervision of students at
postgraduate level. The teaching is mainly oriented towards courses in
automatic control.
To qualify for appointment as Research Associate, candidates must have a
Ph.D. Priority is given to applicants who have completed their Ph.D. within
five years of the application deadline of 1 September 2008. According to
Uppsala University's general employment regulations, it is also a
requirement that teachers possess the necessary skills and qualifications to
carry out their duties proficiently. Qualified candidates may also be
considered for Assistant Professorship. More details about the position and
how to apply can be found at
The Division of Systems and
Control has extensive research both in automatic control and in signal
processing. Inquiries can be addressed to Prof. Hakan Lanshammar <hl@it.uu.se>.
Research Position Featured in
Previous Issue [details]
Postdoctoral Fellowship on Vision and Pattern Analysis
at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Ph.D. Assistantship and Postdoctoral Position in
Multimedia Indexing at Institut EURECOM, France
PhD Scholarship on Medical Signal Processing at
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Job Posting Portals
Interested in advertising graduate scholarship, post-doc positions, or funding
opportunities? Please prepare a short text of
the announcement (150-200 words) and visit the
web submission site to
your input. It is recommended to include the deadline or valid period of the
announcement, and an URL for more information such as group/research
description and detailed qualification expectation. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if you have any
questions. Note that advertisements on faculty and other full-time position are
in the domain of IEEE job advertisement (http://careers.ieee.org/);
the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also provides opportunities for paid
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About the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
Since April 2007, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
has introduced a new form of publication - the Inside Signal Processing
E-Newsletter. This monthly electronic newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the
members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification
and expanded coverage on its website, the E-Newsletter will provide members
with timely updates on:
society and technical committee news,
conference and publication
opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,
signal processing related research
opportunities, and
activities in industry consortiums,
local chapters, and government programs.
The Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter is a gateway to reach out to signal
processing professionals around the world. We invite you to contribute and share
your news with tens of thousands of SPS members through this monthly
electronic publication with fast turn-around cycle. IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the E-Newsletter and related SPS announcements at
this page.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Submission Instructions
- Contribution for the July '08 Issue Due June 20, 2008
Visit the
web submission site to provide your input. Make sure that you
include your name, affiliation, and email and phone contact information.
Contributions submitted by June 20, 2008 will be considered for
inclusion in the next issue of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Please contact the Associate Editors of the corresponding sections as listed
below if you have questions. Your comments and suggestions on the new
submission system are welcome.
Contact Information of the E-Newsletter Team
Min Wu, SPM Area Editor for E-Newsletter,
University of Maryland, College Park, USA (minwu AT umd.edu)
Dai, Associate Editor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
(huaiyu_dai AT ncsu.edu)
Conference and publication news (including new books)
Pascal Frossard, Associate Editor,
EPFL, Switzerland
(pascal.frossard AT epfl.ch) News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Alessandro Piva, Associate Editor,
University of Florence, Italy
(alessandro.piva AT unifi.it)
News and activities in local chapters
and research groups (including new Ph.D. theses & research opportunities)
Mihaela van der Schaar, Associate Editor,
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
(mihaela AT ee.ucla.edu)
News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Nitin Chandrachoodan, Digital Production
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras (nitin AT ee.iitm.ac.in)
Online submission and production system
Shih-Fu Chang, SPM Editor-in-Chief,
Columbia University, New York, USA
(sfchang AT ee.columbia.edu)
* Please replace "AT" in the email addresses with @.
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Archived Past Issues of E-Newsletter
2008: May'08
March'08 January-February'08
2007: December'07
August-September'07 July'07 June'07 May'07
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