Archived Past Issues
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
November-December 2008
PDF Version
From the E-Newsletter Team:
Seasons Greetings from the E-Newsletter Team!
We thank all readers for their contribution and feedback in the past year
and we look forward to your participation in the new year.
Please share the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter with
your colleagues by emailing and bookmarking <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues. IEEE members may manage their subscription
to email notification of the Inside Signal
Processing E-Newsletter
at <http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?LN=SP001>.
1. Society News
34 SPS Members Elevated to IEEE Fellow
The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following
34 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January
Yuri Abramovich, Tulay Adali, Helmut Boelcskei,
Michael Brandstein, Sheng Chen, Michelle Effros, Brian Evans, Gerhard Fettweis, William Freeman, Yuqing Gao, Sheila Hemami, King Choi
(Dominic) Ho, Xiaoping Hu, Ron Kimmel, Ralph Kohler, Hui Liu, Konstantin Lukin, Jiebo Luo, Shrikanth Narayanan, Hayder Radha, Raghuveer Rao, Eve Riskin, Kensuke Sekihara, Nicholas Sidiropoulos, Eero Simoncelli, Iickho
Song, Allen Tannenbaum, Jayaram Udupa, Sabine Van Huffel, Peter Vary, Susie Wee, Xiang-Gen Xia, Felix Yanovsky, and Steve Young.
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade
of Fellow on up to one-tenth percent of the members. To qualify for
consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five
years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The
grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.
this SPS webpage for full citations of these new fellows and more information
about the Fellow program. Nominations are now being accepted till March 1,
2009, for the
IEEE Fellow
Class of 2010.
IEEE Member Login Now Active on SPS Website
The member login system for the IEEE Signal Processing
Society (SPS) website is now operational. Please login today using your IEEE
member username and password to activate your account in the system at the
SPS webpage. The
login link is
located in the blue bar at the top right of the page.
There are benefits offered to you as an IEEE Signal Processing Society
member once you login to the system. You will be able to take advantage of
the IEEE Signal Processing Society's community features. Once you are logged
in, under the "Community" tab at the top menu, you will see useful
applications such as File Manager, Voting, Meeting Manager, and Help Videos.
The Forum and Connexions pages can be viewed without logging in. Please
check back regularly for additional member features.
Back to Index
2. Conference News
GENSIPS Coming to Minneapolis, Minnesota - May 17 –21, 2009
Recent advances in genomic studies have stimulated
synergistic research in many cross-disciplinary areas. Genomic data presents
enormous challenges for signal processing and statistics, which has led to
the development of the new field of Genomic Signal Processing (GSP). The
seventh IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and
Statistics will provide an international scientific forum devoted to the
area of GSP and its applications in system biology and medicine. The aim of
the workshop is to address the emerging need for discovery in genomic
research by interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers from a wide
array of disciplines including signal processing, computer science,
statistics, biology and medicine.
GENSIPS 2009 will be held at the Radisson University Hotel
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is located in the heart of the University
of Minnesota campus, less than one mile from downtown Minneapolis and the Metrodome and nine miles from downtown St. Paul.
Four-page papers are due on January 30, 2009. Visit
the workshop website for more
Proc. Conferences: Call for Papers |
Location |
Date |
Tutorial/Special Session |
Submission Deadline |
2nd International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications (IMMERCOM’09) |
Berkeley, CA |
May 27-29, 2009 |
Feb. 1, 2009 (demo/panel) |
6th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’09) |
Boston, MA |
June 28-July 1, 2009 |
January 19, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’09) |
Mexico |
June 28-July 3, 2009 |
Jan. 31, 2009 (tutorial) |
December 31, 2008 |
IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS'09) |
Minneapolis, Minnesota |
May 17-21, 2009 |
January 30, 2009 |
10th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC’09) |
Perugia, Italy |
June 21-24, 2009 |
January 30, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’09) |
Cairo, Egypt |
Nov. 7-11, 2009 |
Dec. 15, 2009
(special session)
Jan. 9, 2009 (tutorial) |
January 30, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB’09) |
Vancouver, CA |
Sep. 9-11, 2009 |
February 23, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’09) |
Tampere, Finland |
Oct. 7-9, 2009 |
April 1, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP’09) |
Grenoble, France |
Sep. 2-4, 2009 |
April 3, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP’09) |
Cardiff, UK |
Aug. 31 - Sep. 3, 2009 |
February 9, 2009 |
April 14, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'09) |
New Paltz, NY |
Oct. 18-21, 2009 |
April 15, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP’09) |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Oct. 5-7, 2009 |
March 9, 2009 |
April 17, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU’09) |
Merano, Italy |
Dec. 13-17, 2009 |
July 15, 2009 |
Upcoming Signal Processing Conferences |
Location |
Advanced Registration |
Conference Dates |
8th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2008) |
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Nov. 1, 2008 |
Dec. 16-19, 2008 |
13th IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop (DSP'09) and 5th
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Education (SPE'09) |
Marco Island,
FL |
Jan. 4-7, 2009 |
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP’09) |
Taipei, Taiwan |
April 19-24, 2009 |
27th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS’09) |
Chicago, IL |
May 6-8, 2009 |
Back to Index
3. Publication News
Signal Processing Magazine Deadlines:
Special Issue Deadlines
Journal of Selected Topics
in Signal Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (website)
IEEE MultiMedia Magazine (website)
Recent Issues of SPS Sponsored and Co-sponsored Publications
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Feature Articles on
- Discriminative Learning in Sequential Pattern Recognition
- Single-Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization
- Finite-State Markov Modeling of Fading Channels
- Distributed Synchronization in Wireless Networks
vol. 25, no. 5 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing |
vol. 16, no. 8 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
vol. 17, no. 12 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and
Security |
vol. 3, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
vol. 56, no. 12 |
Html |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
vol. 15 |
Recent Articles Html,
Html |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- Distributed Processing in Vision Networks
vol. 2, no. 4 |
Html |
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol. 27, no. 12 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
vol. 7, no. 12 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
vol. 10, no. 7 |
Html |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
vol. 8, no. 12 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
vol. 7, no. 11 |
Part-2 |
Html |
Computing in Science & Engineering Magazine |
vol. 10, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE MultiMedia |
vol. 15, no. 3 |
Html |
Back to Index
4. TC News
News from the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP
MMSP TC is pleased to announce that the 2010 MMSP Workshop will be held
in Saint Malo, France. It will be hosted by Telecom-ParisTech and INRIA-Rennes.
As announced earlier, the 2009 MMSP Workshop will be held in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, in October 2009, marking a milestone for the first time one of the
major IEEE Signal Processing Society events to be held in Latin America.
Details on call for paper submissions and special session proposals can be
found at the MMSP'09 website.
The TC has elected Phil Chou (Microsoft
Research, USA) to serve as MMSP TC chair for a two-year term 2010-2011. He will
begin duties as Vice Chair in January 2009.
Also in January 2009, eight newly elected members
will start their four-year terms. They are: Oscar Au, Francesco G.B. De Natale,
Chia-Wen Lin, Jiebo Luo, Petros Maragos, Marco Tagliasacchi, Dapeng Oliver
Wu, and Jian Zhang. The TC thanks the following members with terms
expiring this year for their services: Ingemar J. Cox (Past Chair), Li Deng,
Jean-Luc Dugelay, Ling Guan, Christine Guillemot, Yun He, Nasir Memon,
Shrikanth Narayanan, Fred Stentiford, and Stefano Tubaro. Visit the
MMSP TC website for more information about the TC activities and
opportunities to be involved in.
Back to Index
5. Chapter News and Distinguished Lectures
Do you know? IEEE SPS provides travel support for local chapters to
invite SPS Distinguished Lecturers. See
a list of SPS
2007 and 2008 Distinguished Lecturers, and check
each issue of the E-News for upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you.
Chapter |
Dates |
SPS Distinguished Lectures |
Canada |
3-Nov-2008 |
Prof. Walter Kellermann (University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany): "Acoustic Signal Processing for
Next-Generation Multichannel Human/Machine Interfaces." See
announcement for more information. |
Serbia and Montenegro |
5 and 7-Nov-2008 |
Prof. Petar M. Djuric (SUNY Stony Brook).
Contact Chapter Chair Dr. Reljin Branimir [reljinb AT etf.bg.ac.yu] for more information. |
Western Puerto Rico |
6-Nov-2008 |
Dr. Amy Reibman (AT&T Labs-Research). Contact
Chapter Chair Rogelio Palomera-Garcia [palomera AT ece.uprm.edu] for more information. |
Chicago |
7-Nov-2008 |
Prof. Nikos Sidiropoulos (University of Crete,
Greece): "Analyzing Data 'Boxes': Multi-way Linear Algebra and its
Applications in Signal Processing and Communications." See
announcement for more information. |
Chapter |
Dates |
Chapter Events |
Canada |
3-Nov-2008 |
Dr. Ali Khademhosseini (Harvard Medical
School): "Microengineered
hydrogels for stem cell bioengineering and tissue regeneration." See
announcement for more information. |
Santa Clara Valley |
3-Nov-2008 |
Prof. S. S. Jamuar (University Putra, Malaysia):
"Design Techniques and CMOS Implementation of Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)."
See chapter web site
for more information. |
Santa Clara Valley |
8-Dec-2008 |
Drs. Ernest Tsui and Xiaoshu Qian
(Intel), "Exploiting Real World Channels for Increased Capacity". See
chapter web site for
more information. |
Northern Virginia |
10-Dec-2008 |
Dr. John Delaney (National Gallery
of Art), "Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy of Paintings". See
chapter web site for more information. |
If you are interested in organizing a new SPS chapter, or participating in activities
in a SPS local chapter near you, please check out
Local Chapter Resources.
Additional questions and comments can be addressed to the
SPS Chapters Committee.
Back to Index
6. New Initiatives and Trends
Smart Sensors and Bioprostheses Applications of
Auxetic Materials
BBC News Online recently reported the creation of a
smart curtain that can provide a new type of protection from explosions. The
curtain is built using materials that are referred to as auxetic materials.
The name comes from Greek and suggests that these materials can expand in
all directions when stretched along one direction. The interesting properties of
these materials have already been known in the biomedical field, and are
leading to emerging applications
in smart sensors and bioprostheses. The same properties of auxetic materials
that make them interesting also pose challenges in terms of signal processing,
such as at the level of signal interpretation and signal control units.
Learn more about the auxetic materials, their biomedical applications, and
the signal processing challenges from the
In the Spotlight article by F. Scarpa in the September 2008 issue of the
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
Back to Index
7. SP
Education and Resources
DSP Tips and Tricks featured in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Back to Index
8. New Ph.D. Theses
Hyunggon Park (University of California, Los Angeles):
"Distributed and Dynamic Resource Management Strategies for Multimedia
Networks using Cooperative Game Theoretic Approaches," November 2008.
Advised by Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar.
This thesis proposes a distributed and dynamic multi-user resource
management framework, which enables heterogeneous multimedia users that
repeatedly interact in a dynamically varying network environment to
strategically maximize their own utilities, given their private information.
For this, we rely on cooperative game-theoretic concepts. For instance, we
model the bilateral interactions among users as resource reciprocation
games. Using our formulation, the resource reciprocation among the various
peers in a peer-to-peer network is modeled as a stochastic game. Within this
game, the peers can autonomously determine their optimal strategies for
resource reciprocation using a Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulation.
Unlike existing myopic solutions for resource reciprocation such as
Tit-For-Tat, the optimal strategies determined based on MDP enable the peers
to make foresighted decisions about resource reciprocation, such that they
can explicitly consider both their immediate and future expected utilities.
In the resource reciprocation games, the participating users need to
mutually agree on a particular resource division. For this, we propose a
methodology for designing utility-aware resource division solutions which
are able to fulfill desired fairness axioms in terms of multimedia
performance. We also show how the proposed resource management framework can
be successfully deployed in cognitive radio networks, wireless multimedia
broadcasting, and distributed stream mining systems.
Click here
to access the thesis or or contact the
author for more information.
Interested in submitting or recommending a recent Ph.D.
thesis? Please prepare the following material and
visit the
web submission site to provide
your input. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva
at <piva AT lci.det.unifi.it> if
you have any questions. (1) thesis author's information (full name, contact, current affiliation, URL if
available), Ph.D. granting institution, thesis advisor's name and contact
information; (2) title, URL, and a short summary of the thesis (100-150 words); and (3) an email from the thesis advisor to
Associate Editor at <alessandro.piva AT
confirming that the author has already
successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis and
that a final version of the thesis has officially been submitted according to
the Ph.D. degree requirements of the author's institution.
Back to Index
9. New Books
Books Featured in Previous Issues [details]
Resource Allocation for Wireless
Networks: Basics, Techniques, and Applications,
by Zhu Han and K.J. Ray Liu, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering,
by Mohammad Ghavami, Lachlan Michael, and Ryuji Kohno, Wiley,
2nd edition, 2007.
Mathematics of Digital Images: Creation, Compression,
Restoration, Recognition,
by S.G. Hoggar, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Back to Index
10. Research Opportunities
Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Statistical Signal Processing - Synthetic
Aperture Sonar
at TU Darmstadt, Germany
The Signal Processing Research
Group at Technical University Darmstadt invites outstanding candidates
to apply for a postdoctoral fellow position on statistical signal
processing. The postdoctoral fellow will work on externally funded projects,
one of which is on Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS).The position is
initially for one year, and may be renewable. Candidates must satisfy the
following criteria: a) A PhD in statistical signal processing; b) Profound
knowledge in array processing, signal detection and parameter estimation; c)
Experience with image analysis is desirable; d) Strong record of journal
publications in the above areas. Application is via email to Prof. Abdelhak
Zoubir at [zoubir AT spg.tu-darmstadt.de]. The application should be
accompanied by Ph.D. transcripts, a list of publications, a list of
supervised students if any, and residency status in Germany.
Postdoctoral Positions on MIMO Radar and Sensor Networks for
at Lehigh University, USA
The Signal Processing
and Communication Research Lab at Lehigh University invites application
for postdoctoral researcher positions. One research area of interests is on
Sensor Networking, with an emphasis on networks focusing on Signal Detection
and Estimation with complex sensors such as radar sensors. And another
research area of interests is on MIMO radar.Candidates are expected to
have outstanding research records as shown in Ph.D. dissertations and
publications in related areas; theoretical research leading to journal
papers is desired. Interested candidates should send a resume with
references, a list of publications (include copy of a few relevant ones if
available), a letter
explaining how your background fits this project, and a transcript from your
PhD school to: Prof. R. S. Blum, ECE Department - Lehigh University, 19
Memorial Drive West, Bethlehem, PA. 18015. Please indicate in the
address field the applicable postdoc position (Postdoc in Sensor Networks
Radar or in MIMO Radar). For more information contact Prof. Blum at [rblum
AT Lehigh.EDU], or visit the
group website.
EPSRC Industrial CASE PhD Studentship in Statistical Signal Processing
at Heriot-Watt University, UK
A fully funded EPSRC CASE PhD studentship in statistical signal
processing is available to a UK student in the School of Engineering &
Physical Sciences at Heriot-Watt University in collaboration with
SELEX Galileo. EU students who
have been resident in the UK for over 3 years may also be eligible. The
studentship will cover the fees and provide a tax-free stipend of around
13,900 pounds a year for three and a half years of PhD study. This project
will involve the investigation of sensor fusion techniques to detect,
identify and track formations (collectives) of targets to provide
predictions of future formation behavior in complex sensor environments.
The student should have a minimum of a 2.1 in mathematics, statistics,
physics, computer science or electrical engineering and have some experience
of programming. Background in statistical signal processing, probability
theory and Bayesian inference will be useful. Further information on the
research field can be found here.
Inquiries can be addressed to Dr. Daniel Clark at [D.E.Clark AT hw.ac.uk]
Research Position Featured in
Previous Issue [details]
PhD Position on Secure Identification and
Authentication Codes at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
PhD Scholarship in Cochlear Signal Detection and
Modelling at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Three-Year PhD Studentship on Variational Bayesian
Filtering for Telecommunications
at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Postdoctoral Researcher Position on Video Event Detection and Retrieval
at Columbia University, USA
Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Researcher Positions on Multi-sensor Signal
at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Ph.D. Research Assistantship to Explore the Potential of DSP for Digital
Terrain Elevation Data
at the Netherlands Defense Academy and Delft University of Technology
Job Posting Portals
Interested in advertising graduate scholarship, post-doc positions, or funding
opportunities? Please prepare a short text of
the announcement (150-200 words) and visit the
web submission site to
your input. It is recommended to include the deadline or valid period of the
announcement, and an URL for more information such as group/research
description and detailed qualification expectation. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if you have any
questions. Note that advertisements on faculty and other full-time position are
in the domain of IEEE job advertisement (http://careers.ieee.org/);
the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also provides opportunities for paid
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About the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
Since April 2007, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
has introduced a new form of publication - the Inside Signal Processing
E-Newsletter. This monthly electronic newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the
members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification
and expanded coverage on its website, the E-Newsletter will provide members
with timely updates on:
society and technical committee news,
conference and publication
opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,
signal processing related research
opportunities, and
activities in industry consortiums,
local chapters, and government programs.
The Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter is a gateway to reach out to signal
processing professionals around the world. We invite you to contribute and share
your news with tens of thousands of SPS members through this monthly
electronic publication with fast turn-around cycle. IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the E-Newsletter and related SPS announcements at
this page.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Submission Instructions
- Contribution for the next issue is due
January 5, 2009
Visit the
web submission site to provide your input. Make sure that you
include your name, affiliation, email and phone contact information.
Contributions submitted by January 5, 2009 will be considered for
inclusion in the next issue of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Please contact the Associate Editors of the corresponding sections as listed
below if you have questions. Your comments and suggestions on the new
submission system are welcome.
Contact Information of the E-Newsletter Team
Min Wu, SPM Area Editor for E-Newsletter,
University of Maryland, College Park, USA (minwu AT umd.edu)
Dai, Associate Editor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
(huaiyu_dai AT ncsu.edu)
Conference and publication news (including new books)
Pascal Frossard, Associate Editor,
EPFL, Switzerland
(pascal.frossard AT epfl.ch) News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Alessandro Piva, Associate Editor,
University of Florence, Italy
(alessandro.piva AT unifi.it)
News and activities in local chapters
and research groups (including new Ph.D. theses & research opportunities)
Mihaela van der Schaar, Associate Editor,
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
(mihaela AT ee.ucla.edu)
News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Nitin Chandrachoodan, Digital Production
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras (nitin AT ee.iitm.ac.in)
Online submission and production system
Shih-Fu Chang, SPM Editor-in-Chief,
Columbia University, New York, USA
(sfchang AT ee.columbia.edu)
* Please replace "AT" in the email addresses with @
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Archived Past Issues of E-Newsletter
2007: December'07
August-September'07 July'07 June'07 May'07
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