Archived Past Issues
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
January 2009
PDF Version
From the E-Newsletter Team:
Happy New Year! The E-Newsletter Team
would like to thank all readers for their contribution and feedback in the past year
and we look forward to your participation in the new year.
Please share the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter with
your colleagues by emailing and bookmarking <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues. IEEE members may manage their subscription
to email notification of the Inside Signal
Processing E-Newsletter
at <http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?LN=SP001>.
1. Society News
Society Welcomes New Officers and Members-at-Large
Beginning January 2009, the Board of Governors of the IEEE
Signal Processing Society (SPS) welcomes new Officers and Members-at-Large.
V. John Mathews, Professor, University of Utah, will serve as
2009-2011 Vice President-Conferences. He succeeds Athina Petropulu, who
completed her term as 2006-2008 Vice President-Conferences. Ali H. Sayed,
Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, will serve as 2009-2011
Vice President-Publications. He succeeds K. J. Ray Liu, who completed his
term as 2006-2008 Vice President-Publications.
Three new Members-at-Large, Charles A. Bouman (Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN); Sheila S. Hemami (Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY); and Mari Ostendorf (University of Washington, Seattle, WA), take
their seats and will serve until December 2011. Ali H. Sayed vacated
his Member-at-Large post to become the Vice President-Publications and
Ananthram Swami has accepted to fill Prof. Sayed’s vacant Member-at-Large
post for 2009. See Oct. 2008 eNews for more
Other society-level updates featured in this issue include
new Editors-in-Chief for five SPS publications beginning January 2009 (see
Publication News section), and five members named
for the 2009 Class of SPS Distinguished Lecturers (see
Chapter and Distinguished Lecture section).
Member-at-Large Election: Call for Nominations
In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, the membership will elect, by direct ballot, THREE
Members-at-Large to the Board of Governors (BoG) for three-year terms
commencing 1 January 2010 and ending 31 December 2012.
Please provide nominations for Member-at-Large to Past President Alfred O.
Hero via e-mail to <sp.info AT ieee.org> or via fax to 732-235-1627. Please
provide the name, address, phone, fax, e-mail or other contact information
of the nominee, along with a brief background on the individual (no more
than 100 words) and any information about the individual's current
activities in the Signal Processing Society, the IEEE, or other professional
societies. Nominations must be received no later than 20 March 2009.
Additional information can be found at
this link.
Call for Nominations for Editors-in-Chief
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites
nominations for the positions of Editor-in-Chief for
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and
IEEE Journal of Selected
Topics in Signal Processing.
Nominations should be submitted to Ali H. Sayed, SPS Vice
President-Publications, via <sayed AT ee.ucla.edu>. Nominations must include
a brief biography of no more than one page. The biography should include a
web address that contains the candidate’s CV (do not send complete curricula
vitae with the nomination). Also include a statement of the candidate's
experience as an associate editor or other publication management position.
Should the nominee so desire, a statement of interest of up to 500 words may
be included stating the nominee's interest and special qualifications for
the position. Nominations must be received no later than 2 February 2009.
The complete call for nominations can be found at
this page.
Deadline Approaching: Nominations for the
IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Technical Field
Award and other
IEEE Technical Field Awards are due by 2 February 2009.
Back to Index
2. Conference News
IEEE SENSORS 2009 Call for Participation – October 25-28,
2009, Christchurch, New Zealand
IEEE SENSORS conference, the flagship conference of IEEE
Sensors Council, is the world’s premier conference focusing on sensors,
sensing technologies and their applications. The conference features
internationally reputed speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 36 lectures
and poster sessions, including several special oral sessions.
The SENSORS 2009 conference will be held in the second
largest city of New Zealand, Christchurch. This marks the first time that
the SENSORS conference is organized in Oceania. New Zealand has been
chosen to host many significant international events (including the next
Rugby World Cup in 2011). Christchurch is a vibrant, sophisticated city and
proudly sits as the urban, international gateway to the coastal and alpine
tourist playgrounds of New Zealand's South Island. Christchurch and the
surrounding region of Canterbury maintains a superb reputation as New
Zealand’s leading convention destination. The time of conference is during
the spring with an expected temperature ranging between 50oF to
65oF, the best time for travel.
The deadlines for SENSORS 2009 are approaching:
special session proposals are due 31 January 2009; paper abstracts
are due 31 March 2009; and tutorial proposals are due 30 April
2009. Visit the conference
website for more information.
Proc. Conferences: Call for Papers |
Location |
Date |
Tutorial/Special Session |
Submission Deadline |
6th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’09) |
Boston, MA |
June 28-July 1, 2009 |
January 26, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS'09) |
Minneapolis, Minnesota |
May 17-21, 2009 |
January 30, 2009 |
10th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC’09) |
Perugia, Italy |
June 21-24, 2009 |
January 30, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’09) |
Cairo, Egypt |
Nov. 7-11, 2009 |
January 30, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB’09) |
Vancouver, CA |
Sep. 9-11, 2009 |
February 23, 2009 |
IEEE Conference on Sensors
(SENSORS'09) |
Christchurch, New Zealand |
Oct. 25-28, 2009 |
January 31
(Special Session);
April 30 (Tutorial) |
March 31, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’09) |
Tampere, Finland |
Oct. 7-9, 2009 |
April 1, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP’09) |
Grenoble, France |
Sep. 2-4, 2009 |
April 3, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP’09) |
Cardiff, UK |
Aug. 31 - Sep. 3, 2009 |
February 9, 2009 |
April 14, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'09) |
New Paltz, NY |
Oct. 18-21, 2009 |
April 15, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP’09) |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Oct. 5-7, 2009 |
March 9, 2009 |
April 17, 2009 |
First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS'09) |
London, UK |
Dec. 6-9, 2009 |
March 6, 2009 (tutorial) |
May 22, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU’09) |
Merano, Italy |
Dec. 13-17, 2009 |
July 15, 2009 |
Upcoming Signal Processing Conferences |
Location |
Advanced Registration |
Conference Dates |
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP’09) |
Taipei, Taiwan |
February 2, 2009 |
April 19-24, 2009 |
27th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS’09) |
Chicago, IL |
May 6-8, 2009 |
2nd International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications (IMMERCOM’09) |
Berkeley, CA |
April 1, 2009 |
May 27-29, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’09) |
Mexico |
June 28-July 3, 2009 |
16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP'09) |
Santorini, Greece |
May 15, 2009 |
July 5-7, 2009 |
Back to Index
3. Publication News
New Editors-in-Chief for SPS Publications
Five publications of the IEEE Signal Processing Society welcome new
Editors-in-Chief beginning January 2009 for the term that will run until
31 December 2011. These new Editors-in-Chief are: Konstantinos
N. Plataniotis (University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada) for the IEEE
Signal Processing Letters, succeeding Dr. Alex B. Gershman (Darmstadt
University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany); Li Deng (Microsoft
Research, Redmond, WA) for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
succeeding Dr. Shih-Fu Chang (Columbia University, New York, NY); Helen
Meng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) for the IEEE
Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, succeeding Dr.
Mari Ostendorf (University of Washington, Seattle, WA); Nasir Memon
(Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY) has been named Editor-in-Chief for
the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,
succeeding Dr. Pierre Moulin (University of Illinois-Urbana, Urbana, IL);
and Athina Petropulu (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA) has been
named Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
succeeding Dr. Alle-Jan van der Veen (Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands).
Signal Processing Magazine Deadlines:
Special Issue Deadlines
Journal of Selected Topics
in Signal Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (website)
IEEE MultiMedia Magazine (website)
Recent Issues of SPS Sponsored and Co-sponsored Publications
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Special Issue on Cognitive Radio Technology
vol. 25, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing |
vol. 17, no. 2 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
vol. 18, no. 2 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and
Security |
vol. 3, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
vol. 57, no. 1 |
Html |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
vol. 15 |
Recent Articles Html,
Html |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- Signal Processing for Space Research and Astronomy
vol. 2, no. 5 |
Html |
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol. 28, no. 1 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
vol. 8, no. 2 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
vol. 11, no. 1 |
Html |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
vol. 9, no. 2 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
vol. 7, no. 12 |
Part-2 |
Html |
Computing in Science & Engineering Magazine |
vol. 11, no. 1 |
Html |
IEEE MultiMedia |
vol. 15, no. 3 |
Html |
Back to Index
4. TC News
IMDSP TC Renamed as Image, Video, and
Multidimensional Signal Processing
The former Image and MultiDimensional Signal
Processing (IMDSP) TC recently revised its name to add the term "video" and
updated its acronym accordingly as IVMSP -- Image, Video, and
Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) TC . The motivation for the name
change was to make it clear to the technical community that the TC coverage
includes video signal processing. Learn more about this change and major TC
activities from this exclusive report.
Back to Index
5. Chapter News and Distinguished Lectures
2009 Class of Distinguished Lecturers
The IEEE Signal Processing Society’s (SPS’s) Distinguished Lecturer (DL)
Program provides the means for Chapters to have access to well-known
educators and authors in the fields of signal processing to lecture at
Chapter meetings. Distinguished Lecturers are appointed for a term of
two calendar years. The 2009 Class of SPS Distinguished Lecturers includes:
CHARLES A. BOUMAN, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Prof.
Bouman’s lecture topics include: model based imaging: in search of the free
lunch; intelligent enhancement and restoration in imaging pipelines;
iterative reconstruction without the iterations; and grand challenge
problems in digital imaging.
VIKRAM KRISHNAMURTHY, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Canada. Prof. Krishnamurthy’s lecture topics include: adaptive filtering games
for designing reconfigurable sensor networks; statistical signal processing
for protein dynamics and protein-based–from macro to sub-nano scales; and
radar resource management and integrated tracking.
SHOJI MAKINO, NTT Communication Science Labs, Kyoto, Japan. Dr.
Makino’s lecture topics include: blind audio source separation based on
independent component analysis and underdetermined blind source separation
based on sparseness.
SERGIOS THEODORIDIS, University of Athens, Athens, Greece. Prof.
Theodoridis’ lecture topics include: adaptive kernel methods; support vector
machines; and music information retrieval (MIR).
LANG TONG, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Prof. Tong’s lecture
topics include: distributed sensing and inference in random information
fusion networks; detection of information flow and anonymous networking; and
cognitive spectrum sharing: sensing, access, and networking.
While many IEEE Societies have similar programs, the SPS provides
financial support for the Chapters to take advantage of this service.
Chapters interested in arranging lectures by the Distinguished Lecturers can
obtain information from the Society’s
DL web page.
Interested members may check each issue of the E-News for upcoming SPS
Distinguished Lectures near you.
Chapter Activities at A Glance: IEEE Signal Processing
Coastal Los Angeles Chapter
As of 2008, the IEEE Signal Processing Coastal Los Angeles Chapter becomes
part of the Coastal Los Angeles Section, instead of the Los Angeles Council.
It is a joint chapter in the Coastal Los Angeles area for the
Communications, Signal Processing and Vehicular Technology societies. The
2009 officers are Ron Smith and Charles Wang as Co-Chairs and Paul Anderson
as Treasurer and Membership Development. Two excellent technical meetings
have been held last year, presented by Fred Harris from the San Diego State
University on "DSP Based Corrections of Analog Components in Digital
Receivers", and by Rick Wesel from University of California - Los Angeles on
"New Results in Coding and Communication Theory". The presentation charts
are available at the
Chapter |
Dates |
SPS Distinguished Lectures |
United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland |
26-29 January 2009 |
By Prof. Sergios Theodoridis (University of
Athens, Greece).
- January 26: Lecture at the University of Bristol;
- January 27: Lecture at Queen Mary, Univ. of London;
- January 28: Lecture at Imperial College;
- January 29: Lecture at the University of Surrey.
Contact Chapter Chair Prof. Marwan Al-Akaidi at <MMA AT dmu.ac.uk> for
more information. |
Princeton & Central Jersey |
2-Apr-2009 |
By Prof. Charles Bouman (Purdue University,
IN). Details to be announced. Contact Chapter Chair Dr. Hui Cheng
at <HCheng AT Sarnoff.com> for more information. |
Washington |
3-Apr-2009 |
By Prof. Charles Bouman (Purdue University,
IN). Details to be announced. Contact Chapter Chair Prof. Min Wu
at <washington.sps AT ieee.org> for more information. |
Chapter |
Dates |
Chapter Events |
Baltimore, MD |
20-Jan-2009 |
Dr. Brian M. Sadler (Army Research
Laboratory), "Solar Blind Non-Line-of-Sight Ultraviolet
Communications". See
chapter web site for more information. |
Dallas, TX |
27-Jan-2009 |
Prof. Murali Varanasi (University of
North Texas), "A Design and Project-Oriented Innovative Electrical
Engineering Program at the University of North Texas. See
detailed announcement for more information. |
If you are interested in organizing a new SPS chapter, or participating in activities
in a SPS local chapter near you, please check out
Local Chapter Resources.
Additional questions and comments can be addressed to the
SPS Chapters Committee.
Back to Index
6. New Initiatives and Trends
LASeR: The Lightweight Rich Media Representation Standard
Rich media services and interfaces typically offer
increased user experience by the dynamic combination of video, audio,
images, graphics or text. The rich media representation is defined by the
LASeR standard for mobile devices. It is based on reusing simple MPEG-4
Systems tools and the MPEG-4 decoder model and addresses rich media services
on a wide range of devices and delivery situations.
Learn more about the LASeR standard from the
Standards in a Nutshell article by J.-C. Durfourd in the November 2008 issue of the
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
Swarm Intelligence and Signal Processing
Swarm intelligence deals with the behavior of natural
or artificial swarms. Swarms are systems that consist of many individuals
that are organized and coordinated by principles of decentralized control,
indirect communication, and self-organization. Examples of natural swarms
are social insect colonies, flocks of birds, schools of fish, or herds of
land animals. Examples of artificial swarms include groups of robots,
intelligent mobile devices that can communicate with each other, or virtual
swarms in the form of a computer program.
An interesting phenomenon of swarms is that collective swarm behavior can
emerge on a global scale, even when all individuals have only a restricted
view of the system and interactions between individuals and their
environment occur only on a local scale.
DSP Exploratory column of the November 2008 issue of the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine features an article by D. Merkle and M. Middendorf on
optimization methods developed in swarm intelligence that have found an
increasing number of applications in diverse fields, including signal
Back to Index
7. SP
Education and Resources
Web resources on Adaptive Filtering
The area of adaptive signal processing
has had a significant impact on a wide variety of signal processing
applications. These include inverse filtering, signal modeling, prediction,
channel equalization, echo cancellation, noise cancellation, system
identification and control, line enhancement, adaptive notch filtering, and
beam forming. These developments have been crucial to the practical and
commercial success of many types of communications systems.
The "Best
of the Web" column by M. H. Hayes and J. Treichier in the November
2008 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine presents an interesting
list of web resources on adaptive filtering. It also includes a set of
tutorials, course, software and demos, and applications that are publicly
Back to Index
8. New Ph.D. Theses
Manav R. Bhatnagar (University of
Oslo, Norway):
"Differential Coding for MIMO and Cooperative Communications,"
October 2008.
Advised by Prof. Are Hjørungnes.
In this thesis, we implement precoded differential
modulation for non-orthogonal and orthogonal space-time blocks codes (STBCs)
over arbitrarily correlated channels. We design precoders based on pair-wise
error probability (PEP) and approximate symbol error rate (SER) for
differential MIMO system. The carrier offsets make the flat fading channel
behave as a time varying channel and the differential systems break down. We
propose a precoded double-differential coding for full-rank and square
orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) with M-PSK constellation over
arbitrarily correlated MIMO channels. We also propose double-differential
modulation for cooperative communication systems to avoid the need of the
knowledge of carrier offset and channel gain at the cooperating nodes
(relays) and the destination. We derive a few useful SER and bit error rate
(BER) expressions for double-differential cooperative communication systems
using decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward protocols. Based on these
SER/BER expressions, power allocations are also proposed to further improve
the performance of these systems.
Click here
to access the thesis.
Thomas Stockhammer (Munich
University of Technology, Germany):
"System and Cross-Layer Design for Mobile Video Transmission," November 2008.
Advised by Prof. Joachim Hagenauer.
This work investigates system designs and optimizations
for the application of video services in mobile communication systems.
Special focus is put on the cooperation and optimization of functions in
different layers of a transmission system taking into account the service
requirements of different video applications. Based on channel models that
are derived from state-of-the-art and emerging mobile communication systems,
we introduce suitable transmission and video coding methods. In particular,
the co-developed H.264/AVC video coding standard as well as a proprietary
scalable extension are intensively analyzed for their applicability in
mobile and Internet communication environments. Innovative error protection
tools are designed which enable adaptation to the varying reception
conditions in mobile communication environments and enable the cross-layer
optimization with the proposed video coding tools. The selection of video
coding and error protection options as well as their cooperation is
supported by the development of quality-optimizing selection and rate
allocation schemes. The findings in this work are verified by
information-theoretic justifications, practically relevant system designs,
as well as extensive simulation results. The benefits of the proposed
methods with respect to existing systems are shown and the realizable gains
are quantified.
Click here
to access the thesis.
Interested in submitting or recommending a recent Ph.D.
thesis? Please prepare the following material and
visit the
web submission site to provide
your input. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva
at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if
you have any questions. (1) thesis author's information (full name, contact, current affiliation, URL if
available), Ph.D. granting institution, thesis advisor's name and contact
information; (2) title, URL, and a short summary of the thesis (100-150 words); and (3) an email from the thesis advisor to
Associate Editor at <alessandro.piva AT
confirming that the author has already
successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis and
that a final version of the thesis has officially been submitted according to
the Ph.D. degree requirements of the author's institution.
Back to Index
9. New Books
Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization,
by Steve Kilts, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2007.
Description from the publisher: This book provides the
advanced issues of FPGA design as the underlying theme of the work. In
practice, an engineer typically needs to be mentored for several years
before these principles are appropriately utilized. The topics that will be
discussed in this book are essential to designing FPGA's beyond moderate
complexity. The goal of the book is to present practical design techniques
that are otherwise only available through mentorship and real-world
Visit the book's
website for more information.
Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications,
by Tania Stathaki, Elsevier, 2008.
Description from the publisher:
The growth in the use of sensor technology has led to the demand for image
fusion: signal processing techniques that can combine information received
from different sensors into a single composite image in an efficient and
reliable manner. This book brings together classical and modern algorithms
and design architectures, demonstrating through applications how these can
be implemented. Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications
provides a representative collection of the recent advances in research and
development in the field of image fusion, demonstrating both spatial domain
and transform domain fusion methods including Bayesian methods, statistical
approaches, ICA and wavelet domain techniques. It also includes valuable
material on image mosaics, remote sensing applications and performance
Visit the book's
website for more information.
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing: The Sparse Way, 3rd Edition
by Stephane Mallat, Elsevier, 2009.
Description from the publisher: The new edition of this classic book
gives all the major concepts, techniques and applications of sparse
representation, reflecting the key role the subject plays in today's signal
processing. The book clearly presents the standard representations with
Fourier, wavelet and time-frequency transforms, and the construction of
orthogonal bases with fast algorithms. The central concept of sparsity is
explained and applied to signal compression, noise reduction, and inverse
problems, while coverage is given to sparse representations in redundant
dictionaries, super-resolution and compressive sensing applications.
Visit the book's
website for more information.
Books Featured in Previous Issues [details]
Resource Allocation for Wireless
Networks: Basics, Techniques, and Applications,
by Zhu Han and K.J. Ray Liu, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering,
by Mohammad Ghavami, Lachlan Michael, and Ryuji Kohno, Wiley,
2nd edition, 2007.
Mathematics of Digital Images: Creation, Compression,
Restoration, Recognition,
by S.G. Hoggar, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Back to Index
10. Research Opportunities
Post-doctoral / Research Associate position in inverse imaging for semiconductor
at University of Hong Kong
The Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department at the University of Hong Kong has an opening for a
post-doc/research associate position in optical lithography research,
tenable from as soon as possible. The candidate will work on a research
project (funded by the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong) that develops
inverse imaging techniques for photomask designs in semiconductor
manufacturing, and explores issues such as robustness and imaging limits.
Candidate should have a Ph.D. in electrical and electronic engineering,
or equivalent (such as applied mathematics), and should have an established
record in imaging system modeling and solving inverse problems for imaging.
Initial contract will be one-year, with possibility of renewal up to three
years. Candidates without Ph.D. will be considered at the Research Associate
level. Interested candidates should send their CVs to <isl AT eee.hku.hk>,
with the subject "Application for post-doctoral/research associate position
2008-09". Inquiries about the post should be addressed to the project
leader and Director of Imaging Systems Laboratory, Professor Edmund Lam, at
<elam AT eee.hku.hk>. Remuneration package is competitive and commensurate
with qualifications and experience, with medical and dental benefits.
Ph.D. position in mathematical statistics - reliable detection of explosives and
at Lund University, Sweden
Applications are invited for a PhD position in mathematical statistics aimed
at developing robust and reliable detection algorithms for concealed
explosives and narcotics using spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear
quadrupole resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance and resonant Raman
spectroscopy. These techniques allow for efficient, but complementary,
methods to reliably detect, at close-range, both solid-state and liquid
explosives and narcotics, as well as vapour-traces of such substances at a
distance of 45-60 m. The project also includes examining pharmaceutical
applications of the techniques as well as analysis of the developed
techniques. Some further details on the current project can be found
Exceptional applicants are invited to contact
Prof. Andreas
Jakobsson at <andreas.jakobsson AT matstat.lu.se> for further
information about the project. Applicants should have a strong background in
statistical signal processing and mathematical statistics, and should have a
M.Sc. degree in Engineering, Mathematics, or a related discipline.
Proficiency in English is a requirement. Last day for application is 13th
February 2009. Please see
this page
for the complete announcement.
Post-doctoral research fellow on image quality assessment
at University of Nantes, France
The Image and Video-Communication team at the
IRCCyN lab,
University of Nantes France, is currently recruiting a post-doctoral
research fellow to work on quality assessment of watermarked images and JND
masks. Candidates should have a strong research record and a number of years
research experience in digital watermarking and/or human vision modeling.
The successful candidate will be expected to carry out novel research in HVS
based watermarking (JND masks) and objective/subjective quality assessment
of watermarked images. Full time position for one year starts in
January/February 2009. Experience in software development using C/C++ and
Matlab is highly desirable. Depending on experience and background, annual
salary for a post-doctoral researcher is about 35000 Euros. Applicants
should email a detailed Curriculum Vitae along with a publication list to <Florent.Autrusseau
AT polytech.univ-nantes.fr>. Further information on the lab's research
fields can be found
Research Position Featured in
Previous Issue [details]
Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Statistical Signal
Processing - Synthetic Aperture Sonar at TU Darmstadt, Germany
Postdoctoral Positions on MIMO Radar and Sensor
Networks for Detection/Estimation at Lehigh University, USA
EPSRC Industrial CASE PhD Studentship in Statistical
Signal Processing at Heriot-Watt University, UK
PhD Position on Secure Identification and
Authentication Codes at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
PhD Scholarship in Cochlear Signal Detection and
Modelling at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Job Posting Portals
Interested in advertising graduate scholarship, post-doc positions, or funding
opportunities? Please prepare a short text of
the announcement (150-200 words) and visit the
web submission site to
your input. It is recommended to include the deadline or valid period of the
announcement, and an URL for more information such as group/research
description and detailed qualification expectation. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if you have any
questions. Note that advertisements on faculty and other full-time position are
in the domain of IEEE job advertisement (http://careers.ieee.org/);
the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also provides opportunities for paid
Back to Index
Contributors of articles in this issue:
John Apostolopoulos (IVMSP TC)
and Subhas Mukhopadhyay (SENSORS 2009 Conference).
About the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletterr
Since April 2007, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
has introduced a new form of publication - the Inside Signal Processing
E-Newsletter. This monthly electronic newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the
members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification
and expanded coverage on its website, the E-Newsletter will provide members
with timely updates on:
society and technical committee news,
conference and publication
opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,
signal processing related research
opportunities, and
activities in industry consortiums,
local chapters, and government programs.
The Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter is a gateway to reach out to signal
processing professionals around the world. We invite you to contribute and share
your news with tens of thousands of SPS members through this monthly
electronic publication with fast turn-around cycle. IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the E-Newsletter and related SPS announcements at
this page.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Submission Instructions
- Contribution for the next issue is due
February 5, 2009
Visit the
web submission site to provide your input. Make sure that you
include your name, affiliation, email and phone contact information.
Contributions submitted by February 5, 2009 will be considered for
inclusion in the next issue of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Please contact the Associate Editors of the corresponding sections as listed
below if you have questions. Your comments and suggestions on the new
submission system are welcome.
Contact Information of the E-Newsletter Team
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In-Depth E-News Article
Update from Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
(IVMSP)Technical Committee
John Apostolopoulos (TC Chair)
Some of you may feel that the IVMSP TC name seems familiar, but
something seems different. If you have this feeling, then you are
correct. This is the former Image and MultiDimensional Signal
Processing (IMDSP) TC -- one of SPS oldest TC's -- which recently
revised its name to add the term "video". The motivation for the
name change was to make it clear to our SP community that the TC
coverage includes video signal processing. For example, while video
is a type of imagery and a multidimensional signal, a text search
for "video" on the SPS website would not return the IMDSP TC.
Therefore, explicitly adding "video" to the TC name both helps to
clarify that video is within the TC's scope, and also better
reflects the increasing importance of video research activities and
technology advances in our SP community.
The purpose of the Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal
Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) is to promote and guide
the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional
signal processing. This includes those areas listed under all EDICS
categories of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and under
the EDICS subcategory Multidimensional Signal Processing of IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing.
One of the TC's most important responsibilities is overseeing the
organization and the technical program, and serving as core
reviewers, for the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), which is the largest and premiere IEEE conference on image
and video. Topic areas include image/video coding and transmission;
image/video processing; image formation for biomedical imaging and
remote sensing; image scanning, display, and printing; image/video
storage, retrieval, and authentication; and applications in
biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document image
processing and analysis, and other imaging applications. The TC
recently finished contributing to
ICIP 2008 which was held in San Diego this past October, and
work is ramping up for ICIP 2009
which will be held in Cairo, Egypt, in November 2009. The TC was
also heavily involved in reviewing about 400 papers submitted to the
ICASSP 2009 paper in the IVMSP
The TC would also like to thank the
following TC members who have just finished their six-year terms:
Shih-Fu Chang, Vivek Goyal, Benoit Macq, Aleksandra Mojsilovic,
Kenneth Rose, and Michael Unser. We would also like to welcome the
following new TC members: Rashid Ansari, Oscar C. Au, Prakash Ishwar,
Qibin Sun, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Trac D. Tran, and Patrick J. Wolfe.
Additional information about the IVMSP TC's activities is available
at the
TC website.
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