Archived Past Issues
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
May 2009
PDF Version
From the E-Newsletter Team:
Following the call for E-News
Correspondents in March 2009, we are pleased to engage graduate student
members for the first time to report SPS events for the
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter. Learn more
about ICASSP 2009 from an exclusive report
by a Student Correspondent and the Conference Chair.
The Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
invites nominations and applications to serve as
E-News Correspondents and contribute timely and stimulating articles on SPS
conference/workshop and chapter events. Graduate students are welcome!
Application for reporting major SPS conference/workshop is due a month
before the corresponding event, and should include name, affiliation,
contact information, and a list of technical interests; links to writing
samples, such as web blogs and articles, are encouraged. Please email
applications in plain text to Associate Editor Prof. Huaiyu Dai at <huaiyu_dai
AT ncsu.edu> -- no attachments please.
Please share the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter with
your colleagues by emailing and bookmarking <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues. IEEE members may manage their subscription
to email notification of the Inside Signal
Processing E-Newsletter
at this link.
1. Society News
Happy 125th Anniversary, IEEE!
As the world's largest technical professional society,
IEEE celebrated its official 125th anniversary day on 13 May 2009 with
announcing a global "Engineering the Future Day" initiative. The "IEEE
Engineering the Future Day" recognizes the contributions and impact that
IEEE members and engineering and technology professionals have made for the
benefit of humanity, and is designed to raise public awareness of the
diverse opportunities in different technology fields. On the same day, IEEE
launched the "Engineering
Your World Competition", which invites contestants to submit videos of
their inventions. The contest is through 7 August 2009 and is open to
IEEE traces its beginning to the founding of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) on 13 May 1884; AIEE merged with
the Institute of Radio Engineers in 1963 to form IEEE. In 2009, IEEE
is commemorating 125 years of ingenuity and innovation in engineering and
technology with events and activities supporting the anniversary theme "Celebrating
125 Years of Engineering the Future." The year-long IEEE celebration
includes local and global member events; the first IEEE Presidents' Change
the World Competition for students; a global media roundtable and webcast
featuring emerging, world-changing technologies (see
March 2009 E-News
for featured SP technologies and members); IEEE Engineering the Future Day
on 13 May 2009; and much more. For more information on the IEEE 125th
Anniversary and opportunities on how to take part in the celebration, visit
Board of Governors Elected New Officers
The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing
Society (SPS) elected three new officers who will start their terms on 1
January 2010:
K. J. Ray Liu (University of Maryland) will serve as 2010-2011 SPS
President-Elect. He succeeds Mos Kaveh (University of Minnesota), who has
held the post of President-Elect since January 2008 and will become
2010-2011 SPS President.
Min Wu (University of Maryland) will serve as 2010-2012 SPS Vice
President-Finance. She succeeds Petar Djuric (SUNY Stony Brook), who has
held the post of Vice President-Finance since January 2006.
Ahmed Tewfik (University of Minnesota) will serve as 2010-2012 SPS
Vice President-Technical Directions. He succeeds Alex Acero (Microsoft
Research), who has held the post of Vice President-Technical Directions
since January 2007.
Back to Index
2. Conference News
ICASSP 2009 - A Grand Celebration of SP Advances and
Achievements with an Oriental Touch
The 34th IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
was held in Taipei, Taiwan on April 19-24, 2009. ICASSP is the
flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and
is the premier venue for showcasing research in signal processing
and related areas. This year’s conference was the second time that
ICASSP was physically held in Asia and was attended by over 1700
participants from over 40 different countries. The organizing
team brought a number of innovative features and oriental touches to ICASSP
2009, making it a memorable grand celebration of signal processing advances
and achievements.
Adding to the "firsts" is the first time that a graduate
student attendee/member participates in the reporting of SPS events for the
Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter. We invite you to learn more about
ICASSP 2009 from this exclusive in-depth report
by a Student Correspondent and the Conference Chair.
Proc. Conferences: Call for Papers |
Location |
Date |
Tutorial/Special Session |
Submission Deadline |
11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and Workshop on Machine Learning for Multi-modal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI’09) |
Cambridge, MA |
Nov. 2-6, 2009 |
May 29, 2009
(extended) |
First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS'09) |
London, UK |
Dec. 6-9, 2009 |
May 31, 2009
(extended) |
43rd Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Asilomar’09) |
Pacific Grove, CA |
Nov. 1-4, 2009 |
June 1, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Signal & Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA'09) |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Nov. 18-19, 2009 |
June 15, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Channel Sensor Array Processing (CAMSAP’09) |
Dutch Antilles |
Dec. 13-16, 2009 |
June 19, 2009 |
9th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’09) |
Ajman and United Arab Emirates |
Dec. 14-17, 2009 |
July 1, 2009
(tutorial) |
July 1, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU’09) |
Merano, Italy |
Dec. 13-17, 2009 |
Sept. 24, 2009
(demo proposal) |
July 15, 2009 |
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP
2010) |
Dallas, TX |
March 15-19, 2010 |
July 31, 2009 |
September 14, 2009 |
International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2010) |
Limassol, Cyprus |
March 3-5, 2010 |
October 9, 2009 |
Upcoming Signal Processing Conferences |
Location |
Advanced Registration |
Conference Dates |
10th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC’09) |
Perugia, Italy |
June 21-24, 2009 |
6th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’09) =>
see also BISP TC article in this
issue |
Boston, MA |
June 28-July 1, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’09) |
New York, NY |
June 28-July 3, 2009 |
16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP'09) |
Santorini, Greece |
July 5-7, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing
(SSP’09) |
Cardiff, UK |
June 29, 2009 |
Aug. 31 - Sep. 3, 2009 |
6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS) |
Genova, Italy |
June 1, 2009 |
Sept. 2-4, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP’09) |
Grenoble, France |
July 5, 2009 |
Sep. 2-4, 2009
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB’09) |
Vancouver, CA |
Sept. 9-11, 2009 |
IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP’09) |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Oct. 5-7, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’09) |
Tampere, Finland |
Oct. 7-9, 2009 |
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA'09) |
New Paltz, NY |
Sept. 1, 2009 |
Oct. 18-21, 2009 |
IEEE Conference on Sensors
(SENSORS'09) |
Christchurch, New Zealand |
July 31, 2009 |
Oct. 25-28, 2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’09) |
Cairo, Egypt |
Nov. 7-11, 2009 |
Back to Index
3. Publication News
Signal Processing Magazine Deadlines (Magazine
Special Issue Deadlines
Journal of Selected Topics
in Signal Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (website)
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (website)
Recent Issues of SPS Sponsored and Co-sponsored Publications
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- Feature articles on "Curious Science"; "Reproducible
Research in Signal Processing"; and "Beyond Bandlimited
vol. 26, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
Processing |
vol. 17, no. 4 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
vol. 18, no. 6 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and
Security |
vol. 4, no. 1 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
vol. 57, no. 5 |
Html |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
vol. 16 |
Recent Articles
Html |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- Visual Media Quality Assessment
vol. 3, no. 2 |
Html |
Journal Title |
Latest Issue |
(in PDF) |
Link |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
vol. 28, no. 5 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
vol. 8, no. 6 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
vol. 11, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
vol. 9, no. 5 |
Html |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
vol. 8, no. 4 |
Html |
Computing in Science & Engineering Magazine |
vol. 11, no. 3 |
Html |
IEEE MultiMedia |
vol. 16, no. 1 |
Html |
Back to Index
4. TC News
This month we are pleased to bring to you exclusive reports from two of the IEEE
Signal Processing Society's Technical Committees:
Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology (IDSP)
Standing Committee
The Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology (IDSP) Standing
Committee promotes industry participation in the IEEE Signal Processing
Society. One of the major IDSP activities is to organize the Industry Technology
Track at ICASSP, including a successful event at this year's ICASSP. The
committee is inviting volunteers and ideas for promoting industry
participation in SPS events. Learn more from this
Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP)
Technical Committee
The Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP TC) has
recently elected a new chair and a vice-chair. The TC is actively involved in
the organization of International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI),
to be held in Boston this year from June 28 to July 1, 2009. Learn
more from this in-depth
Back to Index
5. Chapter News and Distinguished Lectures
IEEE Signal Processing DIET Student Branch Chapter
Established in India
In March 2009, Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology (DIET)
of India celebrated the establishment of the IEEE Signal Processing DIET
Student Branch Chapter. An
IEEE Student Branch Chapter (SBC) is a technical
sub-unit of a Student Branch established by petition to the parent Student
Branch and Society concerned to represent and fulfill the needs of the
members and the missions of IEEE.
The inauguration of the Signal Processing SBC at DIET was accompanied by
a successful National Workshop on Signal Processing Evolutionary Computation
and Modeling and a one-day workshop on mentoring future managers. The
two-day technical workshop comprised invited talks by experts in computing
and signal processing, covering a broad range of topics including artificial
neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, ant
colony optimization, adaptive signal processing, radar/sonar signal
processing, intelligent instrumentation and financial forecasting. Attendees
also took part in hands-on lab practice in MATLAB.
The workshop events and the establishment of the IEEE Signal Processing
SBC received strong support from the DIET college management and faculty,
and active involvement of students and guests. Visit the
DIET SBC web site for event photos
and more information about its vision and activities.
Do you know? IEEE SPS provides travel support for local
chapters to invite SPS Distinguished Lecturers. See a list of
2008 and 2009 Distinguished Lecturers, and check each issue of the
E-News for upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you.
Chapter |
Dates |
SPS Distinguished Lectures |
Denver, CO |
25-September-2009 |
Prof. Petar M. Djuric (SUNY Stony Brook): "The
particle filtering methodology in signal processing". See the
for more information. |
Japan |
4-June-2009 |
Prof. Sergios Theodoridis (University of
Athens, Greece): "Adaptive Learning in a World of Projections".
At 11am, Rm. 201, bldg. S3, Tokyo Institute of Technology. See
announcement for
details, or contact Chapter Chair Akihiko K. Sugiyama <a.sugiyama AT
ieee.org>. |
Santa Clara Valley |
22-June-2009 |
Prof. Sergios Theodoridis (University of
Athens, Greece): "Adaptive Learning in a World of Projections". See
chapter web site for
details. |
Santa Clara Valley |
21-September-2009 |
by Dr. Amy Reibman
(AT&T Labs-Research). Details to be announced. See
chapter web site for updates. |
Santa Clara Valley |
12-October-2009 |
by Prof. Lang Tong (Cornell University). Details to be announced. See
chapter web site for updates. |
Spain |
9-June-2009 |
Prof. Lang Tong (Cornell University): "Distributed
sensing and inference in random information fusion networks." At
10am, Salón de Grados - Edificio Departamental, Campus de Fuenlabrada de
la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Contact Chapter Chair Prof. Figueiras-Vidal
<arfv AT tsc.uc3m.es> for more information. |
Chapter |
Dates |
Upcoming Events |
Greece |
17-October-2009 |
Joint EURASIP-IEEE/SPS Greek Signal Processing Day.
Full day event features SPS Distinguished Lecturers Profs. Renato De
Mori, Sergios Theodoridis and Nikos Sidiropoulos, and other speakers.
Santa Clara Valley |
9-November-2009 |
Dr. Parastoo Nikaeen (Netlogic Microsystems):
"Digital Compensation of Dynamic Acquisition Errors at the Front-End of
High-Performance A/D Converters." See
chapter web site for
more information. |
If you are interested in organizing a new SPS chapter, or participating in activities
in a SPS local chapter near you, please check out
Local Chapter Resources.
Additional questions and comments can be addressed to the
SPS Chapters Committee.
Back to Index
6. Technical Initiatives, Trends, and Standards
Perceptual Video Quality Standards
The need to access accurate and reliable objective
video metrics has become more pressing with the advent of new video
applications and services such as mobile broadcasting, Internet video, and
Internet Protocol television (IPTV). The Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG)
is the primary forum for validation testing of objective perceptual quality
models. The work of VQEG has resulted in International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) standardization of objective quality models designed for
standard-definition television and for multimedia applications. Learn more
from the "Standards in a Nutshell" Column by K. Brunnstrom,
D. Hands, F. Speranza, and A. Webster in the
May 2009
issues of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
The U.S. Digital Television Broadcasting Transition
The United States is in the midst of switching the broadcasting of TV signals
from the analog National Television System Committee (NTSC) system, which has
been in use for
over half a century,
to the digital Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) standard. The "In
the Spotlight" Column of the
May 2009
issues of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine featured an article by J. M.
Boyce to provide an overview about the transition to the U.S. digital TV
broadcasting system.
Back to Index
7. SP
Education and Resources
Speech Recognition Resources on the Web
Automatic speech recognition turns spoken audio
into a sequence of words. It is an extraordinarily broad and
multidisciplinary field, drawing primarily from statistical signal
processing, machine learning, and linguistics. Check out useful web resources for a beginning apprentice to
build a system that will turn sounds into words from the "Best
of the Web" column by P. Nguyen in the May 2009 issue of
the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
Back to Index
8. New Ph.D. Thesis
Angela D'Angelo (University of Siena, Italy):
"Characterization and Quality Evaluation of Geometric Distortions in
Images with Application to Digital Watermarking," May 2009.
Advised by Prof. Mauro Barni.
The work of this thesis can be seen as a first step
towards the characterization and quality evaluation of the class of local
geometric distortions. A first step to solve the problems with geometric
attacks is the characterization of the class of perceptually admissible
distortions. This requires the development of models to treat the
distortions from a mathematical point of view. In this context, the first
part of the thesis focuses on modeling local geometric transformations from
a mathematical point of view. Watermarking is not the only field where an
analysis of geometric distortion in images would be useful. In all the
applications dealing with geometric distortions, the availability of an
objective quality metric capable of dealing with this kind of distortions
would be of invaluable help. Thus, in the second part of the thesis, two
objective quality metrics for the perceptual evaluation of geometrically
distorted images have been introduced.
Click here to access the thesis by the author.
Interested in submitting or recommending a recent Ph.D.
thesis? Please prepare the following material and
visit the
web submission site to provide
your input. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva
at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if
you have any questions. (1) thesis author's information (full name, contact, current affiliation, URL if
available), Ph.D. granting institution, thesis advisor's name and contact
information; (2) title, URL, and a short summary of the thesis (100-150 words); and (3) an email from the thesis advisor to
Associate Editor at <alessandro.piva AT
confirming that the author has already
successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis and
that a final version of the thesis has officially been submitted according to
the Ph.D. degree requirements of the author's institution.
Back to Index
9. New Books and Book Reviews
Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing,
by Mark Richards, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Description from the publisher:
This rigorous text provides in-depth coverage of radar signal processing
from a DSP perspective, filling a gap in the literature. There are a number
of good books on general radar systems: Skolnik and Nathanson are the most
popular. There are also good monographs on advanced and specialty topics
like synthetic aperture imaging. But there is a large, practical gap between
the qualitative system books and the advanced DSP titles, and that is the
slot this book fills.
See an in-depth
book review in the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine (May 2009). Visit the book's
for more information.
Books Featured in Previous Issues [details]
QRD-RLS Adaptive Filtering,
Edited by Jose Antonio Apolinario Jr., Springer, 2009.
Bayesian Signal Processing: Classical, Modern and Particle Filtering Methods,
By James V. Candy, John Wiley/IEEE Press, 2009.
Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Standards: Technology and Practice,
Edited by Fa-Long Luo, Springer, 2008.
Pattern Recognition, 4th Edition,
by Sergios Theodoridis and Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Elsevier, 2009.
Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips,
Edited by R.S. Marks, D.C. Cullen, I. Karube, C.R.
Lowe, and H.H. Weetall, Wiley, 2007.
Back to Index
10. Research Opportunities
Graduate Research Assistants and Postdoc Positions in Signal/Info./Multimedia
Ryerson University, Canada
The Communications and Signal Processing Applications
Laboratory (CASPAL) in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada), is looking for motivated
graduate research assistants (at Ph.D. and M.A.Sc levels) and postdoctoral
researchers to work on the theory and applications in
information/signal/multimedia processing, pattern classification, machine
learning, search and retrieval. Please visit this
web site
for details of the positions and application procedures. Inquiries can be
addressed to the supervisor of these positions, Prof. Xiao-Ping Zhang at [xzhang AT
Post-Doc Position on Psychovisual Video Coding at Simon Fraser University,
The Multimedia Communications Laboratory at Simon Fraser
University (British Columbia, Canada) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research
Fellow to work on a project related to psychovisual video coding. The
candidate must have (or be close to obtaining) a Ph.D. in electrical
engineering or a closely related field, and must have prior experience in
image and/or video coding, with a record of international publications. The
position is available immediately. Applications will be reviewed until a
suitable candidate is found. Further information is can be found at
this link. To apply,
please send a CV, list of publications, and names and contact details of at
least three referees to [ibajic AT ensc.sfu.ca].
Simon Fraser University is located in the greater Vancouver
area, in the southwest part of British Columbia. The University is
consistently ranked as one of the top comprehensive universities in Canada,
and offers excellent research environment. Vancouver's breathtaking scenery,
mild climate, opportunities for outdoor activities, and cultural diversity,
are the qualities that make it one of the most desirable places in the world
to live and work. Simply Google "Vancouver photos" to see why.
PhD Studentship in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
A three-year PhD studentship is available in the Department
of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Trinity College, Dublin,
Ireland. The research topic is Variational Bayesian (VB) filtering for
telecommunications. There will be a strong emphasis on mathematical
methodology, particularly Bayesian modelling. The position is expected to be
filled as soon as possible this spring/summer. A full description of this
research opportunity, and its attractive terms, may be found at this
Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Anthony Quinn at [aquinn AT tcd.ie].
Research Position Featured in
Previous Issue [details]
Two-Year Post-Doc position at NICTA Canberra Research Laboratory, Australia
PhD Scholarship on Neuroimaging based Brain Network Comparison
at The University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Signal
Processing/Communications at The University of Newcastle, Australia
Job Posting Portals
Interested in advertising graduate scholarship, post-doc positions, or funding
opportunities? Please prepare a short text of
the announcement (150-200 words) and visit the
web submission site to
your input. It is recommended to include the deadline or valid period of the
announcement, and an URL for more information such as group/research
description and detailed qualification expectation in English. Contact Associate Editor
Prof. Alessandro Piva at <alessandro.piva AT unifi.it> if you have any
questions. Note that advertisements on faculty and other full-time position are
in the domain of IEEE job advertisement (http://careers.ieee.org/g/);
the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also provides opportunities for paid
Back to Index
Contributors of articles in this issue:
Lin-shan Lee (ICASSP 2009), Jon
McElvain (IDSP SC), Pathipati Srihari (DIET SBC), Christopher Wyatt
(BISP TC), and Avinash L. Varna (Student Correspondent).
About the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter
Since April 2007, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
has introduced a new form of publication - the Inside Signal Processing
E-Newsletter. This monthly electronic newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the
members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification
and expanded coverage on its website, the E-Newsletter will provide members
with timely updates on:
society and technical committee news,
conference and publication
opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,
signal processing related research
opportunities, and
activities in industry consortiums,
local chapters, and government programs.
The Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter is a gateway to reach out to signal
processing professionals around the world. We invite you to contribute and share
your news with tens of thousands of SPS members through this monthly
electronic publication with fast turn-around cycle. IEEE members may manage their subscription of
the email notification of the E-Newsletter and related SPS announcements at
this page.
Please bookmark <http://enews.ieee-spm.org>
for current and archived issues of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Submission Instructions
- Contribution for the next issue is due
June 5, 2009
Visit the
web submission site to provide your input. Make sure that you
include your name, affiliation, email and phone contact information.
Contributions submitted by June 5, 2009 will be considered for
inclusion in the next issue of the Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter.
Please contact the Associate Editors of the corresponding sections as listed
below if you have questions. Your comments and suggestions on the new
submission system are welcome.
Contact Information of the E-Newsletter Team
Min Wu, SPM Area Editor for E-Newsletter,
University of Maryland, College Park, USA (minwu AT umd.edu)
Dai, Associate Editor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
(huaiyu_dai AT ncsu.edu)
Conference and publication news (including new books)
Pascal Frossard, Associate Editor,
EPFL, Switzerland
(pascal.frossard AT epfl.ch) News and activities of SPS Technical
Committees, industry consortiums and international standards
Alessandro Piva, Associate Editor,
University of Florence, Italy
(alessandro.piva AT unifi.it)
News and activities in local chapters
and research groups (including new Ph.D. theses & research opportunities)
Nitin Chandrachoodan, Digital Production
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras (nitin AT ee.iitm.ac.in)
Online submission and production system
Li Deng, SPM Editor-in-Chief,
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA
(deng AT microsoft.com)
* Please replace "AT" in the email addresses with @.
Back to Index
Archived Past Issues of E-Newsletter
2009: April'09
February'09 January'09
November-December'08 October'08
2007: December'07
August-September'07 July'07 June'07 May'07
Back to Index
In-Depth E-News Article
In-Depth Report on ICASSP 2009: A Grand Celebration of SP
Advances and Achievements with an Oriental Touch
by Avinash L. Varna (Student Correspondent)
Lin-shan Lee (General Chair - ICASSP 2009) |
The 34th IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
was held in Taipei, Taiwan on April 19-24, 2009. ICASSP is the
flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and
is the premier venue for showcasing research in signal processing
and related areas. This year’s conference was the second time that
ICASSP was physically held in Asia and was attended by over 1700
participants from over 40 different countries.
The conference venue was the Taipei International
Convention Center located close to Taipei 101, the current official
holder of the title “The Tallest Building in the World”. ICASSP 2009
featured 1261 papers selected from 2703 submissions through a peer
review process. The technical program featured diverse topics
including 4 plenary sessions, 12 special sessions, 60 lecture
sessions, 72 poster sessions, 4 panel discussions, 4 overview talk
sessions, 2 show and tell sessions, and 17 tutorials. The four
plenary talks highlighted emerging research areas, industrial views,
and new trends in signal processing.
A new feature at ICASSP 2009 was the creation of
Thematic Symposia
consisting of a group of multiple technical
sessions of different types (tutorials, plenaries, panels, special
and regular sessions) sharing a common theme. An overview talk
session was also added to each Thematic Symposium to make it more
accessible to a general audience and promote cross-disciplinary
collaboration. Four Thematic Symposia on the topics of “Signal
Processing for 4G Wireless”, “Network Distributed Signal
Processing”, “Immersive Communication”, and “Multimedia Search and
Retrieval” were organized and were very well received.
Another important new effort for the technical
program is the Online Presentation Service. All plenary sessions and
most of the overview talks and special sessions were recorded and
made available online, password protected, to conference
participants until 3 weeks after the conference, so that attendees
can view the presentations which they could not listen to in real
time, or they wished to listen to again. Three weeks after the
conference, the total access count was close to 4800 with a total
access duration of approximately 815 hours.
The conference was inaugurated with a traditional
Taiwanese welcome song and a concurrent presentation that
highlighted the cultural richness and natural beauty of Taiwan, also
called Formosa - “the beautiful island”. The opening and awards
ceremony held on April 21 honored winners of major SPS awards and
SPS members who were elevated to the status of IEEE Fellow Class of
2009. Winners and finalists of the student paper contest were
recognized in the welcome reception on the previous day, which also
presented lanterns of butterflies and Taiwanese rare birds, a
martial arts demonstration (including Chinese Kung-Fu) and a
Taiwanese puppet show. Traditional oriental dishes highlighting the
local cuisine were served as part of the welcome reception and the
lavish daily complimentary breakfast. The latter was the first time
in ICASSPs offering to all attendees.
The conference
banquet was held in the iconic
“Grand Hotel”, famous for its distinctive Chinese architecture. The
vermilion columns, imposing roof and prominent location contribute
to the grandeur of the “Grand Hotel” making it one of the most
recognized landmarks in Taipei. The cultural performance or
entertainment during the banquet was also unique. Music from all
parts of the world were produced by oriental instruments. A brief
film entitled “Adventures in the National Palace Museum” was played,
which personified some 50 famous treasured items housed at the
museum as cartoon characters using real images of the treasures and
computer graphics technology, and was the recipient of the Grand
Prize at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2008. A ribbon dance
then demonstrated the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. The diabolo masters finally showed their unbelievable skills of flying,
spinning and tossing the diabolos between the stage and the banquet
tables. The performance was ended with a toast by the general chairs
of four Asian ICASSPs (Tokyo 1986, Hong Kong 2003, Taipei 2009, Kyoto
2012) and leaders of the signal processing community on the stage.
This year was the first time that the ICASSP
proceedings was stored and distributed in an USB, which was further
integrated in a 3-in-1 USB/Laser Pointer/Pen. A
photo gallery has
also been established on the ICASSP 2009 website capturing some of
the memorable moments of the conference.
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Activity Updates
from Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology (IDSP)
Standing Committee
by Jon McElvain (IDSP Chair) |
The Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology
Standing Committee (IDSP
SC) was formed in 1999 to promote industry participation in the
IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Fields of interest span those
covered by the Technical Committees of the SPS but special emphasis
is placed on practical industry applications of signal and image
processing. For specific areas of interests, readers may check out
the ICASSP Industry Technology Track (ITT)
EDICS, which cover 10 broad categories and 36 subcategories.
The IDSP SC is organized similarly to a technical
committee. Committee members are elected from SPS membership in
industry, government, or academia (with strong industry
involvement). The Chair and Vice Chair are elected from among the
membership for one year terms. Currently, Jon McElvain (Digital
Imaging Systems) chairs the IDSP Standing Committee, and Fa-Long Luo
(Element CXI) serves as Vice Chair; there are 12 active members, all
of whom are from industry. Since January 1, 2009, two new members
have joined the committee, Alexandr Kuziminskiy (Alcatel-Lucent, UK)
and Rajesh Narashimha (Texas Instruments). Although most members are
from the US, nominations are being actively sought from other
geographies. Member responsibilities include reviewing for
conferences (including ICASSP ITT and others), organizing and
advocating SPS activities related to industry, promoting papers with
strong content on industrial application, and organizing special
sessions and workshops on industrial DSP technologies.
The IDSP SC recently organized the Industry
Technology Track at ICASSP 2009, held in April 2009 in Taipei,
Taiwan. Selected from 48 submitted papers, the Industry Technology
Track at ICASSP 2009 consisted of 1 lecture session and 2 poster
sessions. The IDSP SC also administered "Show & Tell" sessions
at ICASSP 2009, where a total of 39 proposals were reviewed and 30
were accepted to showcase their technologies; these "Show & Tell"
sessions provided ICASSP participants a unique opportunity to see
new SP technologies in an interactive environment. In addition,
since its inception, the IDSP SC has organized two special
industry-related issues for the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
If you would like to get involved in the work of
the IDSP SC, want to contribute ideas, suggestions, or would like to
learn more about IDSP activities, please contact Jon McElvain at
<jon.mcelvain AT disimage.com>.
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Activity Report
from Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP)
Technical Committee
by Christopher Wyatt (BISP TC Liaison to E-Newsletter) |
The Bio Imaging and Signal Processing Technical
Committee (BISP TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS)
promotes activities within the broad technical areas of biomedical
and biological signal and image processing. Specific fields of
interest include but are not limited to: molecular and medical
imaging, microscopy, signal processing in computational biology and
biological networks, signal processing of physiological signals, and
In December 2008, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin of
Institut Pasteur, France, was elected Chair of the BISP TC,
succeeding Jelena Kovačević of Carnegie Mellon University; Clem Karl
of Boston University was elected Vice-Chair. Four new associate
members were also elected to the BISP TC: Amina Chebira, Gowri
Srinivasa, Deniz Erdogmus, and Tolga Tasdizen.
The BISP TC is cosponsoring (with the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) the upcoming 2009
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI),
to be held in Boston from June 28 to July 1, 2009. The meeting will
feature three outstanding plenary speakers: Thomas Miller, CEO,
Siemens Workflow and Solutions Division; Ralph Weissleder, Director
of the Center for Molecular Imaging Research and the Center for
Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School; and Xiaowei Zhuang,
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Physics at Harvard
University. There will also be six invited special sessions on
topics of great current interest, a special clinical workshop on
Current and Future Challenges in Clinical Imaging featuring three
clinical research leaders from Massachusetts General Hospital, and
four tutorial short courses taught by area experts in emerging
technologies across the spectrum of biomedical imaging, along with
an outstanding program of oral and poster papers from leading
international authors. Register now for this exciting meeting!
A BISP related education activity to highlight is
a new Master in Computational Biology by Nice Sophia Antipolis
University on the French Riviera, including several image processing
courses. All the courses will be given in English and some funding
is available for outstanding international students. Interested
readers can visit
this page for more information.
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